What did you do with your flock today?

No Forest monster yet. He is logged onto the KCCP & KHS & craigslist lost and found. I made and distributed about 75 fliers around a 1 mile radius. I'm having 30 more colored fliers printed out today and will print out another- what ever it takes in black and white and just keep growing my radius and do it till he is found. My town is 3.3 miles x 1/2 mile. I have hope!!!!
I got 2 leads last night! One still has potential, the other a dud. I will continue my bike rides while calling out morning and night.
Tally misses him. I have been locking Tally up with the fosters in the condo more. It seems where he wants to be and the girls really think he is big and strong. He comes around for more attention as do all the kitties. They have all been staying a little closer to home. I think that is because Forest, the boss, is on hiatus.
I'm sorry to say I am a bit lost right now. I did some sewing yesterday and hope to immerse myself into my project today. And care for the chooks ♡♡♡
I think we all get a bit lost when part of our heart goes for a wander.
I hope you find him soon! Wishing you good luck!
No Forest monster yet. He is logged onto the KCCP & KHS & craigslist lost and found. I made and distributed about 75 fliers around a 1 mile radius. I'm having 30 more colored fliers printed out today and will print out another- what ever it takes in black and white and just keep growing my radius and do it till he is found. My town is 3.3 miles x 1/2 mile. I have hope!!!!
I got 2 leads last night! One still has potential, the other a dud. I will continue my bike rides while calling out morning and night.
Tally misses him. I have been locking Tally up with the fosters in the condo more. It seems where he wants to be and the girls really think he is big and strong. He comes around for more attention as do all the kitties. They have all been staying a little closer to home. I think that is because Forest, the boss, is on hiatus.
I'm sorry to say I am a bit lost right now. I did some sewing yesterday and hope to immerse myself into my project today. And care for the chooks ♡♡♡
Come on Forest go home! You can do it 💕🙏
No Forest monster yet. He is logged onto the KCCP & KHS & craigslist lost and found. I made and distributed about 75 fliers around a 1 mile radius. I'm having 30 more colored fliers printed out today and will print out another- what ever it takes in black and white and just keep growing my radius and do it till he is found. My town is 3.3 miles x 1/2 mile. I have hope!!!!
I got 2 leads last night! One still has potential, the other a dud. I will continue my bike rides while calling out morning and night.
Tally misses him. I have been locking Tally up with the fosters in the condo more. It seems where he wants to be and the girls really think he is big and strong. He comes around for more attention as do all the kitties. They have all been staying a little closer to home. I think that is because Forest, the boss, is on hiatus.
I'm sorry to say I am a bit lost right now. I did some sewing yesterday and hope to immerse myself into my project today. And care for the chooks ♡♡♡
So sorry about Forest. 🙏🙏🙏 that he will come home.
I didn't let Legs stay in his coop outside tonight with a bad storm expected for several hours starting about 11pm. He is safely in a kennel in the sun room. He sat in my lap for about half an hour after eating a slice of bread and a boiled egg. That is his version of an egg sandwich. I'm amazed at how he just either sits or stands in my lap unrestrained and takes in the sights around the room. No other chicken would ever do that. I had to round him up tonight. He's found a Delaware girl friend in one of the coops that has taken a liking to him too. They date through the wire for now. She gets a close as she can to him and him to her. The big Delaware rooster with her isn't happy about the situation but not much he can do about it. :)
He sounds like a special bird! ♥️♥️♥️
No Forest monster yet. He is logged onto the KCCP & KHS & craigslist lost and found. I made and distributed about 75 fliers around a 1 mile radius. I'm having 30 more colored fliers printed out today and will print out another- what ever it takes in black and white and just keep growing my radius and do it till he is found. My town is 3.3 miles x 1/2 mile. I have hope!!!!
I got 2 leads last night! One still has potential, the other a dud. I will continue my bike rides while calling out morning and night.
Tally misses him. I have been locking Tally up with the fosters in the condo more. It seems where he wants to be and the girls really think he is big and strong. He comes around for more attention as do all the kitties. They have all been staying a little closer to home. I think that is because Forest, the boss, is on hiatus.
I'm sorry to say I am a bit lost right now. I did some sewing yesterday and hope to immerse myself into my project today. And care for the chooks ♡♡♡
Still hoping he's found soon! 💔:hugs :fl:fl:fl
I ordered more dwarf chicks from Greenfire. Just 6...but chicks not eggs this time. A fellow from a group I'm in got lavender dwarfs recently so 🤞for some.

I have more 2nd generation yoko crosses hatching. Yokohama/aloha and yokohama/cemani. I've been handling the babies hatching for the woman's 4h project along with my babies and now the whole lot are spoiled rotten. Some of them cry when left in the brooder and leap up trying to reach me. So ending up spending a lot of time toting a basketful of chicks around and laughing at the kittens curiosity about them. The kittens look confused by the chicks but sure love stealing their water and stepping in their food 🙄😂

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