What did you do with your flock today?

One of my older ladies needed a nail trim today. Luckily she's one of my sweet girls so it was quick and easy. It was so funny when I set her down though. She bent her head down and peered at her feet for a bit so quizzically. Wish I'd had my camera though I'm not sure it would be as funny without the context for the moment. Sure made me laugh though!
I was so certain my neighbor wanted my extra Hamburg girls but she wanted my little hens that I'd just sold all I meant to re-home. My mistake for not clarifying which birds she wanted! So I picked out 1 adult bird and 4 little pullets for her. Usually I put a bunch separate and let friends pick their own but this time I couldn't. So I gave her my sweetest pullets since I know Chrissy is a darling chicken momma.
Now I have to make myself behave and run an ad for those hamburgs.
I'm trying to tell where the bulge is on her body and can't quite make it out. The possibilities that come to mind are an abscess, tumor or hernia. All of those can be firm. Egg waiting to exit isn't something I've seen but sounds possible? I'm not sure. I'm glad she's moving well, but not laying makes me think you're on to something when you worry it's reproductive related. We need @TropicalBabies insight. I'll keep my fingers crossed for her.
@PopoMeyers I hope you posted in emergencies ♡♡ you are very clever that way! Some of those big dogs may have some answers.
In the photo I can not tell but wonder if it is a prolapse or internal laying of some sort. I'd def want to know what Whyatt, eggsessive and azygorous (not sure I got the spelling correct)
Hey gang, sorry so disappeared and don't have time to read back posts yet.
Forest is still missing and I am putting everything I have into finding him. It has ruled my early mornings and late nights calling, looking, baiting, trapping... It has been hard living with absolute heartbreak for a month. I'm tired and sad but still hopeful and will not give up, ever. ♡♡♡

AJ has had a series of infections and falls. So during my non cat calling and baiting and trapping hours- aka daylight, it is much about her. We have been meeting with Healthcare pros and getting additional help and eyes to make sure we are up to par. She has done some serious declining and we are barely keeping her out of a wheelchair. The PT is helpful. DH is main caretaker and doing a great job, I am wound care, bathe care, additional meals, second set of eyes and fill in when he has had it- because, it is a lot and should not be done alone.
I still have my full flock, still waiting on new dad to be finished and claim LB's but glad he has been slow and thorough. I have won the battle with stick tight fleas, maybe not the war, but flock is clean. Keeping them locked up while treating and retreating the soil several times seems to have really knocked the flea numbers down and out. Pyrethrin is a wonder 👍👍👍

Enjoying Mango season 🥭🥭🥭

I have been late night trapping and doing Wednesday 3am feeds for KCCP. Have 3 new grumpy fosters 1000005542.jpg
And have still managed to catch up and keep up with my bag stands!

Tally Ho monster has been a great comfort. He sleeps with me and keeps me company often.

We have had some nice rains. I'm glad spring did not pass us by ♡

Also, squeezing in work up at the cabin as a guest is coming next weekend. DH is down with sore hip ontop of everytging else, so this falls on me but I don't mind. I love the fresh air and the ride up 😁

may have to go up today or tomorrow 😉🌈💜🩵💙💚💛🧡🩷 silver linings.
After a crazy week with babies inside being treated for coccidiosis, and in between rain, we finally got out new run assembled! (Even made an article about it, it's not perfect: run or article lol)

But here it is. The girls have a lot more space as we've planned for a while now.


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I'm trying to tell where the bulge is on her body and can't quite make it out. The possibilities that come to mind are an abscess, tumor or hernia. All of those can be firm. Egg waiting to exit isn't something I've seen but sounds possible? I'm not sure. I'm glad she's moving well, but not laying makes me think you're on to something when you worry it's reproductive related. We need @TropicalBabies insight. I'll keep my fingers crossed for her.
Could her non laying be a spring molt, or finishing her molt which started back in December? She's not lethargic today.

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