
Pastel the Rooster

Crossing the Road
Apr 22, 2022
Southern Georgia
I've seen threads here and there on BYC like this, just not with guinea fowl.
I figure that this will be a fun opportunity for us guinea owners to share our guineas antics!
And for those who want guineas, come see how fun they are!

I really hope that you all will enjoy this thread, and please keep this thread peaceful. Please do not argue, or swear.
Thanks, and enjoy,
Ps (you can also tell what your other birds or horses, or goats, etc did!)
Currently, I don't have any Guinea Fowl, though I want some. I used to own some Lavenders and Pearls in my first year of poultry keeping. I loved my Lavenders (one was a rescue) and didn't like my Pearls (one was the evil Half-Wattle). Three of my Lavenders I raised from juveniles, which were friendlier than I expected. They were friendly enough that I was able to hand feed them once. My fourth Lavender, Eagle, was a rescue who was given to me. Sadly after I got him, he broke a wing and ended up living with some of my chickens and became best friends with this decrowed rooster I got somewhere else. On my Pearls, I had either three or four of them for a very short time. They weren't as friendly as the Lavenders, which is expected, though one, Half-Wattle, who had half of a wattle, was somewhat aggressive. He didn't really attack, he just liked to bite.

If you do want to classify me as having Guineas, my family and I do have five Guinea Pigs. :D
Wisteria aka "Wistee" hung out with her two best friends. I was late getting home this evening and she and Manny (Ayam Cemani cockerel) were up in the walnut tree, and Turkey Baby was on the top rail of the fence below them. I've been training them to come when I whistle (I give a whistle and then give treats), so I tried it and with a moment they each flew down, then walked right into the coop (I turned the nightlight on so it wouldn't be dark when they walked it). Good feather babies!


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Currently, I don't have any Guinea Fowl, though I want some. I used to own some Lavenders and Pearls in my first year of poultry keeping. I loved my Lavenders (one was a rescue) and didn't like my Pearls (one was the evil Half-Wattle). Three of my Lavenders I raised from juveniles, which were friendlier than I expected. They were friendly enough that I was able to hand feed them once. My fourth Lavender, Eagle, was a rescue who was given to me. Sadly after I got him, he broke a wing and ended up living with some of my chickens and became best friends with this decrowed rooster I got somewhere else. On my Pearls, I had either three or four of them for a very short time. They weren't as friendly as the Lavenders, which is expected, though one, Half-Wattle, who had half of a wattle, was somewhat aggressive. He didn't really attack, he just liked to bite.

If you do want to classify me as having Guineas, my family and I do have five Guinea Pigs. :D
Awe. I used to have lavenders, but three died, and one I rehomed. At his new home, he is top of pecking order, even over chickens.

This Section Is For Eveyone!-
My white female and her daughter are sweet, although her daughter bites.
Her possible half daughter (a pied guinea) is super sweet. Gave eggs away over a year ago, and owner needed to give me them as adults.
My white females son as neurological problems, and is pretty dumb. He attacks everyone and everything. He makes me laugh though.

My adult pearl female has one daughter. (Actually, three, but I gave two away) Her daughter is hard to catch-just like her mom- UNLESS you have food. I can pet her when she is eating. And once she is in your arms, she is pretty sweet.

My pearl male is pretty sweet. His son is crazy.
White male is kinda sweet, but wary.
Royal Purple male is sweet, but don't come within 100 ft of him, or he might have a heart attack.


My adult guineas:
Harry-sweet pearl male. Will eat out of hand.
Madame Pearl- sweet pearl female, but don't touch her.
Guineiss- Royal Purple male. Skittish.
Bluey- White Male, sweet but don't touch him.
šŸ˜Ridgesā¤ Amazing, awesome, super sweet white female. Has gone broody. No keets allowed!

"baby" guineas (they are laying)
Russell- crazy pearl male.
Eclipse- sweet/crazy pearl female.
Frost- sweet but bitey white female.

Special ed guineas
Ditzy- sweet white male with neurological problems that attacks everyone and everything.
Pie- Ditzy's half sister. Only in this group because she is Ditz's "service sister"

Okay! Tell me what your Confusion of guineas did, and who all/what colors you have in your confusion!
Well my newest one moved from the incubator into the brooder šŸ„° I've just noticed another has pipped. these are eggs from our little gang and it's their first year laying so it's a bit experimental at this point.

only one hatched from the last attempt and it sadly died after a few days. I'd had to assist as it couldn't zip. I probably left it too late to help after reading all the "let nature take its course" advice online. I think it was positioned wrong :( Anyway Dave2 (all new babies get called Dave in this house) zipped itself swiftly and without issue yesterday. Keeping my fingers crossed for Dave3.

We have 6 adult pearl guineas and they are 3 males and 3 females. The only one with a name is Mrs Flappy who flies at me if she's hangry šŸ˜³
Well my newest one moved from the incubator into the brooder šŸ„° I've just noticed another has pipped. these are eggs from our little gang and it's their first year laying so it's a bit experimental at this point.

only one hatched from the last attempt and it sadly died after a few days. I'd had to assist as it couldn't zip. I probably left it too late to help after reading all the "let nature take its course" advice online. I think it was positioned wrong :( Anyway Dave2 (all new babies get called Dave in this house) zipped itself swiftly and without issue yesterday. Keeping my fingers crossed for Dave3.

We have 6 adult pearl guineas and they are 3 males and 3 females. The only one with a name is Mrs Flappy who flies at me if she's hangry šŸ˜³
Awe. I'm so glad that you have babies!

Yes, I had four hatching attempts last summer. All but my last hatch died. I got eight keets from the last clutch. I gave 5 away and have three left. Two are very ill though at the moment.

Haha, I love the name Dave šŸ¤£ Mrs. Flappy sounds charming šŸ¤£
Sorry to hear your keets are unwell. They seem so fragile. I hope they turn a corner soon.

Dave is Lavender, I think, which was unexpected from our pearl adults, but admittedly I know almost nothing about the genetics of their colours šŸ˜³

Dave3 was doing the splits upon hatching so got renamed Spraddle, but did well with little hobbles on and is perfectly normal now :)

I have ordered some hatching eggs for one last go this year to try and widen our gene pool a bit šŸ„°

Anyway, what they did today was flap their new wings (and get on top of the brooder. there will be mayhem soon, so need to put a lid on the box I think before i'm chasing them round the house)


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