What exactly is this "egg song" everyone is talking about?

Its the clucking that hens do after they lay an egg. Usually sounds something like this" Bok bok BOK bok BOK bok bok bok Bok BOK" (repeat as many times as necessary - some hens believe that the world will stop turning if everyone on it does not know that she just laid an egg)
Goes somethin' like this-

baaaahhk, baaaaahhhk, BAaaaaaahhk, BAAAAAAHHHHHHKK, BAAAAAAHHHKK, BAAAAAAAHHHHHKKK, BAAaaahhhkk, baaaaahhkk!!!! (can go on for awhile)

Translation- "Oooooooh, I think I'm gonna lay an egg, yup, here it comes, OW! OW! OW!, ow, ow, ok, its over- Hey everyone, guess what I did??!?!?!?!!"
It sounds a lot like an alarm call. can't tell you how many times I ran out to the coop to chase off an intruder, only to have the hens look at me like,
'what's your problem?'
It's like Bok! Bok! Bok! Ba-gawk! Over and over again. Sometimes it is done in anticipation of egg laying, and sometimes to announce that an egg has been laid. It is quite loud and repetitive, and just like people, there are some singers that have a prettier voice than others.
Yes, one of my hens does the egg song and three roos join in...........................they must ALL think that they fertilised the egg! What a noise, MUCH louder than crowing,

Dora'smom :

It's like Bok! Bok! Bok! Ba-gawk! Over and over again. Sometimes it is done in anticipation of egg laying, and sometimes to announce that an egg has been laid. It is quite loud and repetitive, and just like people, there are some singers that have a prettier voice than others.

We have even been known to call eggs "ba-gawks" around here (note to self, spending too much time with the chickens!) I've had roos that got into it much more than the hens did. The girls look at them like, "Typical. I do all the work and you want the praise!"​
One of my girls can sing the egg song for a good twenty minutes after she lays. My kids call it the "Mandy Alarm" because it usually happens early a.m. and wakes them all up!

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