What kind of cross am I?

cow whisperer

7 Years
Oct 24, 2016
Crewe, Virginia
Hi, my name is BOO. The female human I belong to was told that I'm an Easter egger when I was given to her.

Here I am with my buddy, Roo, who is a Buff Orpington rooster. He and I are the same age. He's attempting to crow just as I'm beginning to start laying. Here's the human holding up the egg I laid yesterday:

Will someone please assist my human with identifing my breed?
Looks like an Ameraucana crossed with a Marans. She has muffs like an Ameraucana and feathered shanks and evidently lays a brown egg like a Marans. Doesn't look like the Ameraucana in her had any blue egg genes or that egg would be green.

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