When do chicks start sleeping through the night?


10 Years
Mar 12, 2009
I'm a new chick Mom, and am still learning the ropes of these sweet little fuzz balls. I've read about how chickens are so deeply asleep at night, they can even be picked up and moved without being woken up. But my little babies (just 1 precious week old now) seem to be awake every time I open the door (no matter how quietly I do). My brooder is in a heated shop off of the garage, and the door, while heavy, is relatively quiet. I like to monitor their temp. and condition, especially before I go to bed at night. But even when I quietly sneak in, sure I couldn't have awakened them with my quiet noise, I'm greeted by little eyes. Am I disturbing them awake, or do they (similar to human babies), sleep more and more at night as they age?
Mine rarely slept much at all. They do but I think they power nap!
They do seem to sleep more and more at night as they age, but I would guess you are also disturbing them awake. I had my chicks in a spare bedroom for 3 weeks. I would hear nothing but a few cheeps as I approached on tiptoe after a week or two, but if I made any noise, they were all up and at it before I opened the door.

I agree the chicks power nap.

I think the deep sleep is more what mature chickens do.
I love to watch them when they're about it go. They're running around doing this and that, then all the sudden it's like you pulled the plug out of the wall!!!
They just kind of slow up, start bowing down.....*plop!* They're on the floor. Then somebody will bump into them and they're off to the races again!
lol--chicks awaken at the slightest movement. I know you said the shop was heated, but are you using a heat lamp and if so, what color? My chicks rest better with a red bulb than a white. It calms them. I have used both and red is the way to go!
All my 32 babies sleep really good at night... when I check on them a couple might be up walking around, eating or drinking... tomorrow they will be a week old
Mine alway slept through the night, but were easily roused if I opened the door. They quieted right down once I left. What color is the heat lamp you're using?
I dont think they sleep that deeply when they get older. THey are just settled down and dont mind you touching them. If I open the door late at night they all look at me like Im crazy. My babies settled down at night for a few hours but I dont think they slept all night. I had a red heat lamp which is supposed to help.
I used a white brooder heat lamp last year, but this year I'm using a red one. They seem to sleep almost all night long without me jarring them awake. Last year they seemed like they never slept! I don't know if it's a fluke or if it could be the breeds or what. I just know this year seems way different.
Our brooder is a large dog crate (by large I mean it comfortably held our Great Dane) with 2 lamps in it, one on either end. Coincidentally, one is red and the other clear. It's obvious that the chicks like the red side better - they usually play and sleep there. Is it bad for them that I'm disturbing them while they are sleeping, or are they able to catch up with one of those power naps the next day (...why is that senario sounding so sickeningly familiar to me?).

I love to watch them when they're about it go. They're running around doing this and that, then all the sudden it's like you pulled the plug out of the wall!!! They just kind of slow up, start bowing down.....*plop!* They're on the floor. Then somebody will bump into them and they're off to the races again!

LOL In the middle of "run crazy" yesterday one fell asleep on the perch, slumped over, and fell to the floor. Poor baby. I swear though, I can relate - what Mom ever gets to really nap? You just pass out for a minute or two, and go again!​

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