When do chinese painted quails start laying eggs?


5 Years
May 21, 2014
Hello! We are new to Backyard Chickens, and this is our first thread. :D
First of all, we would like to know when chinese painted quails start laying eggs. We hatched them ourselves, so we are not sure which are male or female. All together, we have 5 chinese painted quails, who share a large cage with 7 cotournix quails (10 more joining soon).:yiipchick Our chinese painted quails are about 3 months old now.
Something else what could be helpfull would be if you could tell us how to tell a male chinese painted quail from a female.
Thank you

Chinese Blue Breasted or Button quail. First I really would not keep them with the cotournix because of size issues. Second these are territorial birds and need a lot of space if kept in mixed numbers. You don't say if these birds are for enjoyment or what but I know if you are planning on mating them they would be better off in matched pairs. There is not enough meat on one of them to bother with and the eggs are tiny as well you can eat them like pop corn they are so small. Average size is 7 button eggs equals one chicken egg. so anyway...
they should begin laying at 8-12 weeks if fed the proper diet, 25%+higher protein crumbles, fresh water and kept correctly with the right amount of natural light. 14 hours per day minimum. You can use a full spectrum bulb if needed but keep in mind that if you keep them under lighting to lay the females will only live about 1-2 years. If given the winter off they will live 4-5 years or more. The males will have reddish feathers in the vent area and the females do not. Most males have a bib under the chin as well. Post photos of the front and underside if you need more help.
good luck.
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I just want to pop in and say I am jealous!! I want quail so badly, but my Darling Fiance has put his foot down and said we have enough critters for this year... boo.
We like to keep the quails for a hobby, but any eggs which are layed, we would be delighted with. We are not planning on breeding them either:D

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