When to candle/float test quail eggs? Also when is lockdown for coturnix eggs?

Ooh, nice ^.^

60-65 %, the humidity was that high due to the chicks being wet and that equalled the humidity to rise,
I hope you get it up, it is a pain in the butt!
Haha, thanks. So nervous right now.
I keep dashing back and forth to check on it.
Humidity's back at 50%

Temp went up to 39 C.
At least I have a dimmer to maintain the temp. ^-^"
Oh, don't worry I had mine in my room, and I would check it every 5-10 minutes! So you and I have something in common, we both worry about the lil eggies!

You're lucky you have a dimmer, I had to have a cloth on it and had to adjust the cloth and the ventilation holes, such a pain in the butt, but it's all worth it in the end, when you have little chicks running around everywhere.
True, true.

My incubator's in the dining room, against a cupboard which we never open.
Once the chicks hatch, that's where we're gonna put the chicks. They're far from the dinner table. ^.^
We quickly replaced a container with a taller one (so it's closer to the light source), hopefully it raises the humidity!
Goodish news! It increased a bit.
Day 1 of lockdown, humidity is at 58%.
Hope it rises by at least 2%


Edit: Haha, checked it again, 59%
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I'm guessing you're on day 15 now?

I can't believe tomorrow my babies will be a week old. They are already getting feathers. Why do they grow so fast

Day 16 (Yes day 15 from when you posted that xD)

Oh my gosh! They grow up so fast! Only 6 days and already have feathers developing?!
They're not as small and fluffy with down feathers as they seemed 5 days ago, but they're still adorable!
It's sad that they grow up at around 6 weeks, whilst chicken chicks in around 6 days would still be small fuzzy little fluffballs. >.<

Humidity is 59% - 61%
I think we're all set.
Hatch day is tomorrow, I hope humidity is alright for them!
Plus I hope they at least begin to pip.

Gah, I have swim training tomorrow, meaning that I'll miss out on two valuable hours of watching the bator!
I suppose they grow so fast because they are so vulnerable and small!

Omg, hatch day is tomorrow?
I'm so excited for you! Ahh! Time flies hey?
Please post pictures, I will be looking forward to them! ^.^
I guess so.
Hehe, it's so sad but so happy to see them grow up. :)

Yes, tomorrow! :D
And I know right? I also can't believe I spent 2 weeks just watching it, so eager to wait for the chicks to hatch!
Good news - 62%.


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