Why do chickens "chew" or "smack" their beaks?

I know what you're referring to but only some of my chickens do this. My Silkie hen does it a lot. Another thing I wonder is what the wiping of their beaks is when they do it on us. I know they sharpen/file their beaks like this on many surfaces, but when they're being held some of them seem to do this in an intentional way that has a significant meaning since the same ones do it and others do not. It's almost like a possessive type thing. Curious to see the answers to your question ❓❓❓
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I have had various birds, parrots, and now chickens.. and when a bird does that, they are feeling safe and content. My cockatiels especially would do that before bed.. and everyone seemed to do that when they were getting neck massages. Happy bird!
It kinda reminded me of what chicks do in the egg when they're absorbing yolk
I have had various birds, parrots, and now chickens.. and when a bird does that, they are feeling safe and content. My cockatiels especially would do that before bed.. and everyone seemed to do that when they were getting neck massages. Happy bird!
This would make sense. We all know how loving Silkie hens are, especially whenever they're not broody. My white Silkie hen never attempts to get away while she's being held and always seems extra content whenever she does this. Poor girl... I'm always saying "Stop clicking your beak, Bella. Stop clicking!" 😂 😂 😂 Funny how we misunderstand each other completely but we're re still able to feel love coming from each other 💗

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