Why do chickens refuse to eat rolli pollies?

Although most of my chickens seem to avoid these, I do have a couple of hens that will eat rolly pollies. If only they would potato beetles and bean beetles!
too crunchy...
Rollie Pollies are a terrestrial arthropod and not true insects they are better known as a Pill Bug or Sow Bug. As to why chickens won't eat them is IMO because they could tend to stick in chickens throats because of their exoskeleton.
Rollie Pollies do bother the bok choi( chinese cabbage in my garden. I throw the bugs and the holey cabbage leaves over the fence to my chickens and they seem to like them.
I'm just happy mine go nuts for the grasshoppers. I spray the little grasshoppers with an insecticidal soap which takes care of those ones, but it doesn't work on the bigger ones so when I let the chickens out they hunt for them. When they are in the coop I catch the larger grasshoppers and feed them.

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