Will 6 month old hens start laying in winter?

I have some black copper marans, a Wyandotte, and an Easter egger who are 25 to 27 weeks old. Is there any hope for them to start laying before spring at this point?

I've had an orpington and a welsummer start in the past two weeks, so I was holding out hope for these others.
I hatched a black and splash marans the end of June, and the splash started laying on Thanksgiving, and the black about a week ago. They are laying daily, which impresses me a lot, as well as starting to lay in the dark of winter. I plan on hatching some more next summer; they are lovely hens.
I have some black copper marans, a Wyandotte, and an Easter egger who are 25 to 27 weeks old. Is there any hope for them to start laying before spring at this point?

I've had an orpington and a welsummer start in the past two weeks, so I was holding out hope for these others.
I just got 4 pullets 12 days ago. Only one is laying so far and she’s given me an egg almost everyday since I brought them home!
I have 3 Black Copper Marans pullets that are 25 wks.
Angel laid her first egg 11/27 @ 23 weeks and the other 2 are showing interest in the nest box.
I'm in Michigan... Brrrr.

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Just an update that all 3 are officially laying now.
Angels eggs have darkened a tad bit which I'm happy about. Looking forward to seeing if Copper's and Raven's darken up also.
A little update on my three pullets: My speckeld Sussex started on 15 December 2023, the buff Orpington by 6 January 2024 (could actually have been a few days before that), and the Ameraucana resumed laying today, 6 January 2023 (after laying 40 eggs from late Deptember 2023 through late December, then quitting).
(My older Ameraucana had also started laying last fall but then quit -- is this pattern a quirk of that breed?)
yea! why do you want there eggs to darken up? is there health benefits to when you eat them?
Marans eggs are based on a color chart set by the Standard of Perfection for their breed. 1-9, 9 being the darkest. If a Marans does not lay at least a 4 on this chart she is not a true Marans.
With that breeders strive to achieve 7,8,9 on this chart with 9 being highly desirable and sought after therefore increasing the price per egg.

Here is the chart.


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