will a guinea raise her keets


6 Years
May 30, 2013
Burleson Texas
My Coop
My Coop
I have several hens that go broody every year but I've never let them hatch keets...we lost their roo around Christmas so their eggs aren't fertile but one is especially committed for weeks now to her nest...I gave her keet eggs due to hatch....has anyone had a positive experience letting the hen raise the keets?
Yes.....I let my guinea hens sit on their nests (they laid their eggs inside the coop in next boxes). Last summer, I had multiple hatchings of keets - which they raised on their own. I did not let the keets leave the coop for 4 weeks, though - I was afraid they would get wet and die of pneumonia. When they were old enough to follow the adults around outside, Mama, as well as a couple of "nanny's", would keep a close eye on the babies. I currently have 5 females laying on 4 nests inside their coop........two of them are laying side by side on one nest! I have found mine to be excellent mothers, contrary to what others have said.
They will raise them and get very attached to them. I do not allow my guineas to hatch anymore do to staggered hatches but when I did they would raise them perfectly fine. Of course they can be a bit clumsy and step on them or kick them but none have died because of this. I would keep them in for a month as Hotcookie said. This way they wont get wet or any illnesses or hunted down. Also be cautious about the guinea roos. Some are loving fathers while others will peck at the babies. One of my keets died because the father pecked him to hard. But since you don't have any roos currently it will be fine. Aside from that guinea mommas are great.

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