Would a rooster remember a certain person who was aggressive?



Free Ranging
Aug 18, 2019
Would a rooster remember a person who was mean / aggressive / pestering him?
And then next time rooster sees that person will alarm and attack? Or would rooster be calm until that same person showed aggressive behavior?
Or could this rooster associate this certain person with all humans and start being aggressive towards all humans?
Rooster has acted normal towards me since this happened but I'm worried about any other person esp children who come into the chicken area. .. Also that person may come back but not be aggressive towards rooster so is it likely rooster will try to attack him whether or not this person acts aggressive?
Hope that all makes sense!!? :hmm
Rooster may very well remember and be aggressive towards the abusive individual. No rooster should be left unattended around children.
Oh dear, I did tell him to stop pestering rooster and being stupid, rooster did jump at him but missed (or could have been a warning) He's a Silkie and never been aggressive but I wouldn't like being pestered and cornered either so I don't blame him trying to get away or attack.
This man will be back in the chicken area to help with coop renos.... Maybe I'll just have Roo outside coop area at that time to be safe.
I am always in the chicken area if kids come in, but not standing beside them all the time. They often give treats so they probably have a positive association. Sometimes it looks like he's standing guard watching the kids as they do some weeding :)
Oh dear, I did tell him to stop pestering rooster and being stupid, rooster did jump at him but missed (or could have been a warning) He's a Silkie and never been aggressive but I wouldn't like being pestered and cornered either so I don't blame him trying to get away or attack.
This man will be back in the chicken area to help with coop renos.... Maybe I'll just have Roo outside coop area at that time to be safe.
I am always in the chicken area if kids come in, but not standing beside them all the time. They often give treats so they probably have a positive association. Sometimes it looks like he's standing guard watching the kids as they do some weeding :)
Put the man in the crate :gig
Yes, isolate the cock/erel when need be.
I suspect they do, even before knowing there is supporting evidence. My roommate is scared of one of my roosters, and despite my advice, she does not behave well with him. I think he thinks she tries to pick a fight. Regardless, the rooster is far more aggressive to her than anyone else.
They can feel the fear...and it makes them nervous thus more likely to misbehave.
Cockerels, and every chicken , can easily memorise a human face. They will associate them with fear or trauma, and be scared of/defensive and aggressive towards that human- or with food and care, and come running for pets and treats.
Wherever you can, prevent a child from hurting or scaring an otherwise harmless roo.

Hope that helps @Silkielee!

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