Wry neck chick! How often to give her food and water, and how much at a time

How about a box large enough to accommodate your hen and line it with several old towels so it cushions her flopping about? If you place her in the box in a quiet place, she probably will feel secure and won't flop about as she would with other chickens around.

This shouldn't be for long. I've seen vitamin E work very quickly. The worst case I treated was just a few months ago. My thirteen-year old Brahma hen has a tumor on her head and it put pressure on her brain. She had wry neck so badly, she could barely stand without falling over, and she couldn't eat or drink at all. In two days on the E, she was back to normal.
How about a box large enough to accommodate your hen and line it with several old towels so it cushions her flopping about? If you place her in the box in a quiet place, she probably will feel secure and won't flop about as she would with other chickens around.

This shouldn't be for long. I've seen vitamin E work very quickly. The worst case I treated was just a few months ago. My thirteen-year old Brahma hen has a tumor on her head and it put pressure on her brain. She had wry neck so badly, she could barely stand without falling over, and she couldn't eat or drink at all. In two days on the E, she was back to normal.
Boy, I hope my little cross doesn't have a tumor. She eats just fine with her cross beak.
How about a box large enough to accommodate your hen and line it with several old towels so it cushions her flopping about? If you place her in the box in a quiet place, she probably will feel secure and won't flop about as she would with other chickens around.

This shouldn't be for long. I've seen vitamin E work very quickly. The worst case I treated was just a few months ago. My thirteen-year old Brahma hen has a tumor on her head and it put pressure on her brain. She had wry neck so badly, she could barely stand without falling over, and she couldn't eat or drink at all. In two days on the E, she was back to normal.
My house is very active so that one's hard to accomplish until night time. And it's to cold for her to be outside in a hospital cage alone at night.
Please bless her soul in heaven. We tube fed her yesterday and gave her the higher strength e vitamin, but she wasn't strong enough to survive. She died some time last night. Her before this happened.
Keep doing what @Lizzy733 has told you. You shouldn't need to tube or syringe feed for more than a couple days as long as you're giving vitamin E 400iu each day. Most chickens with wry neck respond very quickly to the vitamin E. Many chicken vitamins do not contain E, though. Get some at your people pharmacy in the vitamin section.

Give one whole capsule right into the beak each day. If you give it with egg, it will work faster.
Hi azygous! I just need to tell you that I searched threads this morning to save my dying chick from wry neck and found your information and gave her the 400 IU of vitamin E mixed with egg yolk and in 4 hours she’s standing. I was up with her at 2am and I was sure she was going to pass by morning. So, thank you for sharing valuable info and saving my 6 week old Polish chick 💗💗💗

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