You Know You Love Your Ducks WHEN

LOL You all warned me but I didn't believe you...of course it is easy to get sucked in when they are ducklings but I thought as they grew up I wouldn't dote on them anymore...WRONG! DH bought me a chest freezer cause he was sick of rummaging through bags of peas to get to the pizza/etc!
...when you go out and buy them live minnows to snack on but hesitate to fork out for snacks for yourself!

AND make a total -you-know-what of yourself chasing crickets for them where the neighbors can see!
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When you come in from the duck pens EVERY DAY with mud all over your shirt because you just can't resist picking them up, wet feet and all, and giving them a snuggle.
When you go out to put the girls to bed and hear DH laughing inside saying "You are carrying on a conversation with the ducks before you put them to bed??"

Sure, why not? I tell the girls good night when I put them in bed and 2 of them wanted pets last night, so I chatted with them while they sat around for their pets.
I tell the dogs 'good night' and I tell DH the same, so why not the ducks?

I cut lettuce and other big veggies into bite sized pieces for them all the while thinking... can't they just share a piece and find a way to eat it anyway so I don't have to pull out a cutting board and knife every day! I now grate their cucumbers and squash
u put Blankets down so when they get out of the pond (when its cold) , pea gravel etc wont stick to them.. and You stop Before work and After work to put down a Clean Dry blanket.....
And of course ALL THE ABOVE......
Just last nite got them a box of treats !! which was 20 min (roundtrip) out of my way home after work ... Box of 500 yummers !!!!

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