Candling Pics Progression Through Incubation Of Chicken Eggs

Everything was done in an entirely professional way photographs showed what could be showed clear indiscernible stages of development. As is always the case whenever you trying produce something like that as the embryo develops it becomes less and less discernible what's going on inside the egg because it gets shadowed so badly by the developing chick
As I said excellent presentation very well put together done in a very scientific way which I can appreciate thank you very much.
Great photos! This makes me want to hatch my own.
wow props from top to bottom;Great custom incubator, probes, heating system. Day by day pics, doesn't get better!!!!
Thank you! This was a great teaching article. I'm still having a hard time telling if an egg is fertilized or not. I can't tell the difference from your candling and any of mine! And, if you put the egg in water to see if it floats will that cause it to not be hatchable?

Again, Amazing article-loved everyday!
Just two months ago i had no idea about »candling eggs«. Thank's to your article i am looking forward to the time when my five little duckies start to lay…
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Reactions: Lovely Lettie
Fantastic details and explanations.
Great photos. I like that you photo shopped to make things more clear in the beginning but showed what might actually be seen too. Thanks, this will help with future hatches.
A really wonderful addition to our homeschool day, thanks!
Great job on everything!
Incubator is really nice and all those pretty balls of fluff!❤️
Great job on daily progression pics as well.
Thank you for all the work you put into this project!
Love all of the pictures!
Takes you from candling to hatch!
I remember referring to this thread when I was incubating eggs. I like the way photos are shown with natural and edited colors to make the veins and embryos really stand out. Very helpful!
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