Chicken Behavior The Ignorant Gal's Guide To Things No Sane Person Would Tell You About Chickens

This just goes to prove that many of us are not crazy. Ha ha. Just still learning!
I’ve read this 3 times and it still makes me smile and laugh like a crazy person. Thank you for the good reading. Another time or 2 and I’ll know it by heart.
I could have posted something very much like this but was afraid no one would believe me. Chickens are a handful but a hoot and pleasre to have.. Keep on cackling
I fell over laughing at the insanity of your descriptions of chicken behavior! Your hawk chicken is so right on too! I have a new flock of now four month old Easter eggers mixed with Marans… they are hilariously funny when the play/fly all over the yard! I’ve never seen chickens play around like dog or cats before. Then yesterday morning, I hear a new chicken voice sounding an alarm, and I ran outside because I thought someone else’s chicken found my yard! Low & behold, it was my biggest chick making the racket at something trying to come thru the cat door in my gate. So I stood like a proud chicken mama and told Ruth she was a good girl! Now I have three chickens to sound the alarm!
What a wonderful article. Sure made me laugh. Love that you know and understand all of them and their quirks!?
Hysterical, interesting, and eye opening picture of #chickenlife. Love it. Makes me want to get chickens right away!
Re: chicken 'falling over on side legs stretched out wing flung upwards' YES! when I first saw this behaviour I thought the poor thing had heat stroke! Of course then the other one did it and figured it was likely normal. Seems they LOVE sunbathing!
I love this. I can completely relate.
One thing you forgot. The first time I saw one of my chickens dust bathing I thought she was dying! ??????
Just wonderful! Chickens are so much more interesting than I ever imagined!
Eggcellent article! Keep writing, you're a natural!
Loved this article. I don't feel so stupid now spoiling my chickens and ducks. They get lettuce and watermelon rinds for a treat in the morning and I cut grapes in half for them at night. Plus whatever is growing in the garden. They are partly free range. They have a large pen, the chicken Taj mahal, and a fenced yard. They can fly out but they like their area. Last time I had holes like they dig, it was from a husky dog I had adopted. They're my first chickens and ducks. What was I thinking? Glad I'm not alone in my craziness. 2 roos which love to wake up at 4 or 5 in the morning.
Eggcellent! Love to hear more about other chicken adventures in the future…like BROODY hens, hens that want other hens to raise their chicks, and those STRANGE looking eggs! And beware of chicken math- it’s for real!!
So well written and identifiable to me in so many ways? Thank you
Humor and chickens just go together so well! Hilarious and well done! I have had chickens now for 6 years with some heartaches and a lot of laughs along with bewilderment. I can’t imagine life without my “ladies” now and will always have them around as long as I can keep the coops clean!! And chicken TV is the best!
I’m a new chicken owner and this extremely well written article touched on so many things I’ve experienced. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I enjoyed her wit and laughed at her chickens doing things mine have done and freaked me out with. We have ospreys , I scream for my dog and the hens and geese run for me while I’m screaming . My neighbors think I drink !
My little Roo has no feet only stub legs from being an Amish chick and left in the snow, but he is tough but sweet.
Really an awesome read. And yes I do walk around shaking my head. And yes they do dig holes deep enough to hit China.?
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