Chicken Math 101 – with Quiz!

This is the BEST. Made me laugh all the way through and reminded me of the dieter who's calories do and don't count depending on whether you ate the brownie out of the box or sitting down LOL
This greatly enhanced my understanding of rounding whole numbers. Bravo to the author.
Love it!
I know this is just for fun, but in case anyone else was frustrated by missing question 6, the answer should be 9. The first Bantam should be counted as zero!
Dear me, I fear you are right. Those bantams are just so small sometimes they sneak under the radar. I think any time you find an error in a university-level exam such as this, that you should be awarded "free chickens for life". Please work with your husband to redeem your award. If he argues, tell him everyone on BYC agrees with me and he is automatically outvoted.
I love this! No one else seems to understand my accounting, and now I know why - they just haven’t been taught chicken math!!

The struggle is real 🥰
This is absolutely true!! 😜
I'd never heard about "Chicken Math" before I found this awesome place. I'm familiar with the idea, though. Ahem. So, I took my kiddo and my partner's kiddo along, to "buy a few new chicks"
Yep. Each additional chick was a "can't live without!!" I'd planned on about 8-9, we ended up with 40+ 🙄
That went.....well. Yep.
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Makes perfect logical sense to me! ❤️
This is quite possibly the best thing I've ever read on BYC! I was wondering how to add more chickens to my flock; sadly, I now realize I only have 1. No wonder I felt like I needed more!

Now, I can't just get one chick -- it would be lonely. And if I get 2, one might die, leaving the other lonely. Therefore, the only safe number of chicks is 3. But since 3 chicks is only 2 chicks, I need to get at least 6 chicks to have that safe number. It's all clear now! And if those 6 chicks are all different breeds, that's really only 1 chicken in the end. The possibilities are endless (as is the chick order!)!
Might as well get 9 just to be safe. ;)
Perfect, except for one TINY thing.... The intuition statement followed by the student statement..

"it is intuitively obvious that..."
"The exercise will be left to the student..." but of course it will because CHICKEN MATH

This is the best explanation of Chicken Math that I have ever seen! :lau:lau:lau
An enlightening article, no, an experience. This article taught me a lifetime's worth of knowledge about chicken math. And I will appreciate you for it. Now I must go to Tractor Supply to get more chicks. Only twelve of course. ;)
Good article, funny yet also well thought out.
You forgot Pi though, as in, ANY chicken works wonders in chicken Pot Pi, so that's 3.1415926... you can take OFF your flock count since they be dinner !!
Thank you! I thought I had 7 chickens, but in reality, I only have 5! So there is room for at least 3 more, and since they will be chicks, I better get 6. You have made my day!

Apparently have have 0 chickens at the moment even though there's 9 feathered things in the chicken coop.
Those are family members. Remember you have to have at least *1* chicken or people will call you crazy. So you have 1.........
Great article! I couldn't help snickering over the proofs. I don't know what trig has to do with chickens, but I'll take it!
My secret is safe with you! ;)
Brilliant, but I think bantams count as 0 and maybe the bantam rooster is 1 or 0 depending on how many.
Really fun! Great quiz! I got 8 out of 9! :hit;)
Excellent article!
Love it! So funny, I'm totally using the chickens are family one since they are All named!! I need more! :jumpy
fun article
In Missouri, the yearly ‘personal property tax’ assessment includes livestock, (which includes chickens) and you have to state how many you have each Jan 1. I have used a similar chicken math method to come up with 4 hens each year. If I ever need to prove I was correct in stating 4, I will refer them to this article, which I have printed out and keep handy.
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