Cozy Cottage Coop

Looks like a nice coop for a hot climate, with plenty of ventilation.
Looks like it dropped out of Alice in Chickenland. Awesome colors and elegant proportions! I love it.
I just love your design. It looks so pretty. I'm gonna to start building a coop for my two pet turkeys. I too want an attractive house for them and mostly for me so it will look good in my yard. Great work!
Seems like a nice design, where do you live? Cuz with hurricanes and rain having chicken wire coop walls isn’t the best. I would close up the chicken wire walls on the next box, and find some plexiglas for the main wall of the coop for when it’ll rain. The house looks cute, and the girls seem happy lounging in the sun. Nice coop overall!
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I’m not one for all the tiny “rabbit hutch” chicken coops I see all over now. But you did a great job and as long as they are let out daily, they’ll be fine. I’m sure you’ll be able to remodel or add on as supplies become available.
great instructions and cute coop!!!
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This is one of the cutest coops I’ve seen, cudos to you! Your girls are lovely too!
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great coop it look to cute to be a chicken coop
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Wow! So much detail given! Great little coop! Thank you!
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The coop is absolutely adorable and I LOVE your girls are named after The Doctor's companions. Lol
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Well written, nicely done build. It always seems like it's the perfect build, until after its built....then we see what 'we' should have, would have done differently but that's the way it seems to always go. Great job!
I applauded your abilities, esp. In the painting department. Good job!
p.s. In my humble opinion, hens are the epitome of " give them an inch..." If you let them explore somewhere (like in the yard) they'll harass you and make you feel guilty until you let them do it everyday. Lol.
LOVE the coop.
Love the coop, especially that you kept it so well vented.

I do wish you had made the run and coop a touch larger.
This is a truly gorgeous and sturdy little coop. Perfect for your little pets, and the colours are fab! If you are still looking for a less wasteful feeding system, might I suggest a treadle feeder? I got mine off eBay and it's great, it reduces waste, and your birds learn to use it very quickly. Your coop is truly inspirational, and a great feature to your backyard. I love your chooks, I hope one day to get some EEs or Araucanas, but that is in the future. A truly marvelous job!
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Very nice article showing what you did and how you did it!. Really like the plans with notations. I believe that someone could reproduce this coop following your steps.
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