Have wild dogs in your area but really really want chickens well I can give you a full guide from how to raise your chicks without any dog problems too how to keep your chickens safe when they are fully grown. this also qualifies for any neighbor's dog so don't be shy to use this on your neighborhood pitbull or German Shepherd.. don't worry I'm not suggesting a weapon or any sort of thing let's start with the chicks when you get the chicks I would recommend hatching them in an incubator or with a broody hen that way they imprint on you then I would recommend raising them however fits you but make sure that they are inside until they start to grow their feathers. This is called fledging and it means that they should be old enough to survive in the outside world no I don't mean to release your chickens at the stage. What you can do is make sure you have a coop ready and keep them outside when they start to get bigger you'll need a run I will have photos of everything down bellowbut technically a run is a place fenced off with chicken wire and a nice door that you can walk into and your chickens can run around and sometimes if you have a dirt run forage in. now we are at the stage where they are fully grown The roosters are starting to fight over the females and the females are starting to lay eggs you need complete predator control well I can start off with raccoons raccoons can undo latches and straps sometimes so make sure that you have one lock either with key or with code. Then for the coyote pest control all you need is if affordable some concrete around the edges of your chicken tube to make sure that coyotes can't dig to get into the coop then after that the only real pest is raptors such as Hawks and eagles or bugs and mites I hope this article was useful and look down at the pictures below to see what I did. 16038319197031707849015148634740.jpg thats the run here is the concrete 160383198786120263617956634162.jpg