Outpost JWB
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  • Incase you didn't know my name is Anna I show meat chickes, meat turkeys, fancy chickens, and fancy turkeys.. This was my second year in 4-h
    Nice to know other "chicken wranglers" are in the area. Lol I'm over close to stonelick lake. I'm keeping 6 layer hens, 3 top hats, 5 seabrites , 16 silkie chicks and an americauna chick, so 31 total. The silkies were straight runs so I will probably end up with a few roos out of that bunch. My sister in Texas is making chicken diapers, so maybe I'll be able to find good homes for the roosters as pets. They are getting so pretty. I have 15 white and one black. I hatched the black Willie and bought day old white silkies. High maintenence chicks! :)
    My name is Judy, glad to meet you! (My initials are jmb) I used to have a wholesale business in Florida but finally came home to ohio. What was I thinking? Lol
    Keep in touch!
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