
Hova Bator - Circulated Air Genesis Egg Incubator W/ Electronic Therm - 1588

Is Preset for bird eggs. Simply plug in and add water and eggs. Comes with an electronic...

General Information

Is Preset for bird eggs. Simply plug in and add water and eggs. Comes with an electronic thermostat that regulates temperature in the 99.5 Degree F. Top has a large clear plastic window for best viewing of the incubation and hatching process. Picture window is double plate plastic with air space insulation to help eliminate moisture buildup, which would obstruct viewing. Large viewing area is ideal for classroom work, science projects, advertising and promotional work, and for group observation of the hatching processes. Dimensions: 18" x 18" x 9 1/2", 110 Volt AC

Latest reviews

Pros: Hatches majority of chicks!
Cons: You have to add water a lot.
This is a great product and I bout again after the fact so now I have 2!
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Pros: Hatches easy and fast
Cons: It's not so stable and some eggs break
I don't have something else to say except the pros and cons.
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Pros: It has hatch rates at 50% or higher assuming you set it up right. also, it's easy to set up and understand the instructions.
Cons: Hard to clean, needed 2 thermometers for accuracy
This incubator hatched 4 out of 7 duck eggs I incubated, then 4 out of 5 quail eggs. The humidity is a bit hard to control, but the heat control works really good with no heat drops or spikes. The only bad thing about it is that its really hard to clean. after hatch, the incubator will smell bad as imagined, and its really hard to clean around the electronics to get that smell out. other than that, it's great!
Guam Hatcher
Use bleach 2oz. Per 1 quart spray bottle. I like the mix a little stronger to remove odor and sanitize incubator. Make sure to cover electronic components after cleaning incubater, spray with bleach all over, do not wipe off let dry under sun. Odor will be remove and incubator sanitize. Bleach will evaporate safe for next use.


Hey there,do u still have the Hova bator 1588.And could you tell me what is, if anything is wrong with it.I have one also and used it one Spring and it worked really great.Took it out about a week ago,and the thermostat went crazy.Please let me know,Sandra
I have just purchased a New Turner for it and when it came it started acting up.Done everything but temps went out of site.So now I am stuck with the turner for it,
could it be a faulty wafer? those need to be replaced time to time..try to only adjust it a bit at a time and wait..lot of adjusting it back sometimes we think we turned it a/tad..but over did it..not really sure. wish i could help more just adjust it a bit at a time and wait, let it settle then adjust it again.
Try and adjust the temp. Read the instruction manual that came with it. There should be instructions on how to reset the thermostat. Hope that helps! :)
GQF has great customer service and Tech Support. Give them a call, and you'll actually talk to an American! I found them to be very helpful. Good Luck.
I run 5 different brands of incubators. Where a small portable incubator is concerned the Hovabator Shines way above the competition. It holds moisture ( humidity ) so much better then all the rest of them, The forced air fan is an essential part and the key to this kit. Perfect Hatches are not only possible but quite common in mine. The plastic lining tray .. well I can not say enough good things about that. I can not figure out why every manufacturer does not copy this except they must not think YOU are worth the extra effort. It is rare I write a recommendation but this one is from the heart. Robert Leigh.
Uh oh! I need to water the plants! Not kidding.
Thank you for the review. You said just the right things to make me want it, and feel good about it.
Got mine full right now. Put in 42 eggs and I have 39 chicks developing at 10 days in! Have only checked it once since I plugged it in.
Late reply but you're confusing crocodiles with chickens. Only reptiles (turtles, crocodiles, etc) hatch gender based off temperatures. Chickens are not directly reptiles (even if they may have dinosaurs in their ancestry). You're just getting un/lucky w/ your hatches, is all. :)

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Egg Incubators
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Super Admin
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