
Illumination in the Flatwoods: A Season with the Wild Turkey [Paperback] [2006] (Author) Joe Hutto

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Pros: Very detailed, and emotional
Cons: Very witty, and uses a unique sense of vocabulary
First off, I am not a reader by anymeans whatsoever! It takes me months to finish a novel. I finished this book in a few days. It was amazing, The original intention of the book was for it to be a research assignment for florida fish and wildlife, then it immediately turns into an emotional ride. It is very touching, and I recommend it to anyone who likes poultry or the outdoors in general.....There is also a movei for it "My life as a Turkey"
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Pros: The great content it covers, its heart warming theme, anyone who owns or owned turkeys can relate to this!
Cons: None!
When i first read this book, i cryed. I know that my turkeys are my precious babies and i would never let anything happen to him. This true story will touch your hearts, please read it!

It is about a man who lives in Florida, in the flatwoods, and he is an avid wildlife conservationist. He has always wanted to raise wild turkeys, but he could never fing anywhere that carried them. One day, he comes home and a dog bowl full of wild turkey eggs were sitting on his step. A nearby farmer gave them to him because he was mowing and he ran over the turkey nest and killed the mother, thus leaving the eggs alone, with no warmth. He quickly got out his incubator. Weeks later, they hatched, and a difficult, but well worth it journey was among them.
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