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  1. J

    Aggressive tom

    My tom is about 7 months old, and he keeps chasing and flying up at my mom. It just started about 2 weeks ago. I am at a loss of what to do. Any tips on correcting this behavior? He needs more hens but I just bought 1 and will look for another 2 adults. Adult hens are hard to find here for under $60
  2. J

    How often do your hens go broody?

    My only hen recently got taken by a predator due to unfortunate circumstances that I'd rather not discuss. I now have a new hen from a friend that is about 18 months old. She already went broody this year, do you guys think she will go broody again for me this year? My hen went broody in the...
  3. J


    Just learned there's a family of bobcats that probably are 1/4th of a mile from my house in the woods. My problem is not with the mom, it's with one of the younger bobcats. I see him multiple times a day in a ditch just trying to figure out how to get my animals. Everyone is in a run but it is...
  4. J

    How far apart should roosts be? All the same height?

    Wow I sound like I just got chickens yesterday with this question!!! I am going to be adding 3 more roosts to my coop, and installing a poop board. I'm just curious on what y'all think is an appropriate distance for each roost, and if they should all be the same height. I will be adding 1...
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    Ever since this darn persimmon tree has gotten it's fruit, we have had 6 POSSUMS, a skunk, and at least 2 foxes visit my yard to get a snack. I had a wild broody hen a few months ago and the possum ate 2 of the chicks 😭 and they eat all of my ducks eggs, and also go into my trash!! Everyone...
  6. J

    Nervous about the smell coop again this summer.

    Soooo I've spent a while searching around, looking at threads about this, but I want my own one, and more specific help. Last summer, my coop ALWAYS stunk, I cleaned the roosting boards daily, had deep litter, but coming within 15 feet of the coop, you would be hit in the face with chicken...
  7. J

    Can I leave woodchips in my run forever?

    I see a lot of people say they leave their woodchips in their run for a year, then take it out. I have a run over 1000sq ft with woodchips and I was wondering if I can just leave it in there forever, or until I move houses. I don't garden or anything so I don't need compost and I hate removing...
  8. J

    Is my new chicken a frizzle or frazzle?

    I got this roo a few weeks ago, he's about 4 months old now. I'm wanting to breed him with my silkies, but if he's a frazzle I know that's just not humane. Not sure if it's possible to tell at this age but it's worth asking! Thanks
  9. J

    Turkey poult very small and sickly

    Hello everyone! My sweet hen Myrtle just hatched me 4 beautiful Narragansett turkey poults. The problem is, one is very small compared to the others, and keeps falling on its back. They are only 12 to 24 hours old as of now and I'm not sure if there's anything I can do. I dipped the sickly ones...
  10. J

    12x60 run too narrow?

    I've searched this a bit, and the majority is for coops. I've lost a lot of chickens to predators recently and need to build them a run. The run can really only be 12 feet wide and I'm worried this may be too narrow. Currently I have 15 chickens that would be here but hope to rebuild my flock to...
  11. J

    Should i be worried about this size difference in turkey poults?

    The one on the very left seems quite a bit smaller than the other two. The picture doesn't do it justice but there's definitely a substantial difference. After losing my other turkey poult, I'm on high alert and I want to catch it early if I need to be doing anything extra.
  12. J

    (Urgent) turkey poult won’t eat!!

    So I got 4 Narragansett turkey poults about 3 days ago, they are a little bit over a week old. One of the turkey poults WILL NOT eat. I keep bringing her over to the food and she won’t touch it. She is a lot smaller than the other poults. I’m at a loss of what to do. If this goes on for much...
  13. J

    Free range or pen heritage turkeys?

    Hi all, I've recently acquired 4 beautiful week old Narragansett turkey poults. Currently, I'm living on an acre, but by the time they will go outside I should be moving or about to move to my new property with 7 acres. I'm debating back and forth if I should free range or pen them? This new...
  14. J

    8 wk chicks dying from mareks

    I got 10 black australorps chicks 2 months ago from tractor supply online. I didn't get them vaccinated as i saw multiple people say it's harmful. Yesterday, I went outside and one was on its side, with one eye closed. I brought her in and about 4 hours later she was dead. This morning, I saw...
  15. J

    Coop made from 90% recycled materials

    This is the coop me and a friend made. (he did most of the hard stuff I just nailed and cut wood.) This coop cost about $100 which was spent on flooring and other small things like latches. The last expense is buying blackjack for the floor and In a few months redoing the roof. The coop is...
  16. J

    Solved New feature suggestion

    Is it possible to make a filter where it’s “newest threads first” instead of newest posts first? It’s kinda the same threads over and over it seems like
  17. J

    Old bedding to control mud in run

    Would it be smart to use my other pets old shavings to help control the mud in my 1500sq ft run? I was thinking of putting de on it after I place it. I'm working on water drainage but it's difficult at my property. I can't really afford to fill the entire run with bedding unless I'm recycling my...
  18. J

    Keep 8wk silkies inside or outside?

    So I have two silkies. Lakeisha and jaquon. I bought them on Craigslist and there were no other chicks available or I would have gotten more. I'm wondering when do I start letting them outside? I'm in North Carolina and night temps are usually around 30. Since there's only two I'm worried they...
  19. J

    Chinchilla appreciation!

    This is my chin, mr Rosie. He’s about 7yrs and is amazinggg. I also rescued a new chin a few months ago, his name is lucky. I doubt anyone here has chinchillas but if you do post a pic of yours and share why you love them! I love my chinchillas because they are non digital tv for me. Watching...
  20. J

    Wanting to start gardening but want your expert advice!

    I'm wanting to start a very small garden and I'm looking for some low maintenance plants that will grow all year round. I've looked around but really wanted your advice as it all confuses me. I'm most interested in having stuff to feed the chickens as snacks. I appreciate any advice given! BTW I...
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