
  1. buuzbee

    New to the forum, looking for quail info

    Hi Group, I'm Anna and I live in Southern California. After having racoons eat the fish in our pond over the years, we did what we always wanted to do and enclosed our pond, turning it into an aviary. We have a couple of budgies and bourke already in the house, and plan to add finch, diamond...
  2. Papaye

    Questions about quails (and other birds)

    Hello. I would like to have some advice, opinions, or whatever about small birds specifically - mainly about QUAILS... ...In order to try to get rid of my allergies, I plan to buy quails - probably Japanese Quails : I have severe allergies, and I am kind of really desperate to get rid of them...
  3. Squeeing_Onion

    Quail and Parrots?

    I've heard it referenced before that people have kept quail in the bottoms of aviaries that house various species of parrots. My question is, how do you keep the birds safe bacteria wise? Do you need to introduce them as chicks? Do they share lethal disease like I've heard chickens and quail...
  4. le_bwah

    Broody Coturnix #3

    Well, maybe more like #2.5 since this is Wilma's second go-round on "real" eggs. She's done everything a mother hen can do to give her adopted babies a shot at coming out, and weathered some impressive rain storms the last couple days. With luck, there will be chicks before Sunday. Have a...
  5. eddie_van_quailen

    "Quaviary" Build

    We finished the aviary (or quaviary :p) last week but I haven't gotten around to making a post about it yet. I wanted to post our process for others who may be interested in building an aviary or natural-style enclosure for their quail, since @le_bwah's posts about their aviary gave me a lot of...
  6. H

    Keeping California quail in groups

    I would love to get some California valley quail, but I had a few questions first. Could they be kept in a larger flock in an aviary? If so, would they be able to breed in there or do they need to be separated for that? Thanks in advance. Side note- does anyone know if they count as game birds...
  7. solidstate

    Button Quail - getting back into quail

    I’ve not hatched any buttons since maybe 2015, or so, and my last button died in 2020. I have recently ordered 15+ CBBQ eggs from burtonspirogue aviaries and they will be arriving on the 26th! I’m hoping for a good hatch rate, but these are shipped eggs so I’m not sure what to expect (my last...
  8. eddie_van_quailen

    Aviary questions (foundation leveling and hwc)

    Sorry for the long post! I want to make sure we do this right the first time... We're constructing an outdoor aviary for our coturnix, and have finally just finished weatherproofing all the wood with Timber Pro IWS. We have our blueprint and everything, and we're ready to start building...
  9. Caring for Pigeons in an Aviary or Indoors

    Caring for Pigeons in an Aviary or Indoors

    Pigeons make great pets, something that is unknown to many people, even those who keep chickens and other types of birds! In this article I will go over the basics of caring for pigeons outdoors in an aviary or indoors in the home. Pigeons aren’t for everyone, but you may find at the end of this...
  10. MamaBirds_Quail

    Greenhouse aviary?

    Does anyone use a portable greenhouse structure to keep their quail? How did you fortify it? I was originally considering something like this: With chicken wire zip tied to the bottom/ potentially around the sides to prevent predators? It’s 10’x 3’ and 20” tall But now I’m considering a...
  11. Cassandragrenr

    Inside Aviary

    So I'm thinking about building this Aviary, but I'm wondering if I'd need an inside one for them? During winter it can get between 27 and 30 degrees Fahrenheit. Would I need an inside enclosure for them or just put out small shelthers for them inside the aviary? (Picture isnt mine, but this is...
  12. beccabonny

    The new batch!

    Well, it’s been two years since the weasel incident that took 40 of my beautiful young quails from me. The survivors living in the hutch are aging out of producing eggs, so I decided it was time to add a new batch to the covey. I ordered 75 hatching eggs from Myshire: Pansy fee, SSC, and...
  13. QuailTail

    Questions about transporting and acclimatising my new coturnix quail flock

    Good morning, afternoon and evening everyone. This weekend I am finally going to pick up my first little flock of 10 coturnix quail - all laying age hens. They're going into a brand new aviary and I have no other quail, so it will be all theirs. I have a couple of questions about how best to...
  14. QuailTail

    Jumbo Coturnix Aviary Build

    Hey everyone! Not sure if anyone wants to see, but I love watching step by steps of other people's set up, so I thought I'd post my aviary build for anyone that's interested :) It's a slow process as work and lockdown restrictions mean time and resources are limited, but hopefully we'll be able...
  15. B

    Button Quail - Gloucester, VA 23061

    Hello, I have 3 beautiful male button quail pets that need a new home. They were hatched in June. Free to a good home. Go to my YouTube Channel to see them in action. Button Quail Unbuttoned at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaSqKGeMci0nUW7VhOhwCoA/videos
  16. DotTheHen

    The Pigeon Palaces and Dove Dorms of BYC

    Welcome! I have made this thread specifically to show off your lofts, aviaries, and other setups for the pigeons and doves of BYC. The chickens have their stunning and elaborate coops flaunted, so why can't we do the same? It's simple... Just post some pictures of your setup (and maybe show...
  17. A

    Hardware mesh for aviary?

    Can I use the hardware mesh instead of buying the expensive fencing? Dont want to quail chewing damaging it/breaking free/hurting themselves trying to. What less costly alternatives are there for putting on up?
  18. A

    Couple Qs about new flock

    I'm building a large aviary for my new flock of coturnix quail. I'm doing a brooding experiment, having my quail hatched by another farmer, and taking them "under my wing". When should I have the newbies move into the aviary? I'm doing a survival of the fittest type beginning, with a hands off...
  19. ChikAnne

    Sacrificed My Arm for my Chicks

    I was almost done with the chicken aviary I had dreamed of for years when I stepped in a whole the dogs dig (Dog sitting, not my dogs) Coming off a ladder. My daughter and her friend came over and ended up finishing the coop part to safely transfer my fast growing chicks.
  20. J

    Newbie raising Coturnix Quail on grass!

    Hey everyone. I’m new to BYC but have been an avid reader for months now, fantasizing about raising some birds! I got the chance to contact a local vendor and purchased 20 Coturnix Hens for eggs( my goal at the moment). I put in A LOT of work building my quail run. It took me about a week to...
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