
  1. B

    What age quails can live together?

    Currently I have 3 quails - all female. I have a 9 month and a 12month together. And right next to them another 12 month. (They are currently separated due to small fights but all play together all day. Don’t worry no one is left lonely 🙂). I’m wanting to get another quail - male or female - to...
  2. ShrekDawg

    Caged Bird and Parrot Thread!!!!

    This thread is for all caged birds and parrots!!!! I think there might already be one but it’s long dead and we were starting to hijack the dog thread so I figured I’d make a new one so we can continue the discussion here :lau I used to have parakeets (budgies) but had to rehome them last year...
  3. Pearlescent

    Turkey Caruncles and Wattle variations??

    I’ve been noticing that as they grow, my turkeys caruncles and wattles are looking significantly different, they are all hens (as far as I know) and the only one I have doubts about is my big gray one (Golden Narraganset I believe) she has very large wattle and caruncles, just wanted to confirm...
  4. T


    Hi everyone, Third times a charm. The other 2 time my text vanished. I’m Stacey, I’ll be moving from So. Calif. to Cape Girardeau Missouri to be near my youngest and his wonderful wife. Very excited. They just bought there first house and first flock of 5 adorable chicks...
  5. Pearlescent

    What is my Turkey?

    I have a Turkey hen who is supposedly a Sweetgrass X Standard bronze, but I have reason to believe her mother was actually a midget white, from the photos of her mother and siblings. I am just curious as to what she is. I can’t find any pictures that look like her, she has white wing stripes...
  6. T

    Do this if your bird is in shock!

    Hello all, A while ago, my chickens and other poultry were being harassed by members of the canine group, and on three occasions I had come to find my birds in the drooling mouth of a dog and after chasing and rescuing my chicken from fate, I could clearly see they were in a shock. This is...
  7. E2CEB5CB-D804-4DB8-8FF8-5909FCF2CAB5.jpeg


    #1 This is pterodactyl my 7 month old rooster
  8. R

    Friendliest button quail

    They let me hold them and pet them... is anyone else's button quail this chill?!
  9. Fangeddeer

    Is she pregnant or no? (Goat)

    Hi, it’s me again. Sorry I just need to know, yes or no? A maybe is fine too, thanks for the help on my last post! And it was 4 mos since her last kid. One side is hard while the other isn’t, wasn’t like that before.
  10. Galaxy_rules

    Chickens, chickens, and more chickens!

    Hi all, I’m going to share a bit about my chickens! Hope you like! Cloudy - Blue Australorp - Pullet - half a year old - friend : big sister Shadow - likes people,flying, running, hiding underneath her brother - hates being separated from mini flock Shadow - Black Australorp - Pullet...
  11. B

    What’s this bird??

    Out on our usual early morning stroll, me and my ducks came across this mystery!! I know it’s not one of my little quackers because the prints weren’t there last night and my duckies sleep in my room 😆. Any clues? We are stumped 🤔 could it be Santa already?! 🤣
  12. cynikyle

    art of my characters in and related to the book I'm making

    Hello it's been a while since I've posted so I felt I should, especially since there's pretty much nothing going on except school. So yeah here's some art, I'll tell you about the characters as well. Cake, the first caticorn in my book series to exist. She is a mary sue and she claims it's her...
  13. A

    Peacock lice?

    Hi. My mother and I just adopted a baby peacock today and I noticed tiny white bugs all over it’s face. They’re very small and go near the eye. They’ll burrow into the fur and leave tiny white particles (what I think might be eggs) on the strange of fur. I’m super concerned. I’ve done some...
  14. Robin


  15. Gull


  16. Wood Pigeon

    Wood Pigeon

  17. D

    is my duck okay ?

    I have a duck, shes about maybe 2 months. she just had a very weird moment. her body looked wide and flat while running around. then 10 mins later, her body was completely ruffled and stayed that way for awhile. im now seeing her neck looks alittle big and thick, is like closer to her body, if...
  18. Nattyice

    California scrub jay ?

    Hey people how is your day, I need some help I received a gift from my friend and gave me a scrub jay he cannot survive in the wild anymore since it was small my friend found him fallen from a nest when he went camping? What I am concern is that these a big birds and i can't figure out what...
  19. coltgrizzz

    Found a wild nestling, any idea what it is?

    My friend found this nestling sitting outside all day. There’s no nest around and it seems dehydrated. I was thinking this is either a robin or starling. The only feather it has are almost black in color. Any ideas?
  20. Clostridium Cure and Intestinal Repair

    Clostridium Cure and Intestinal Repair

    Clostridium is a nasty bug that mammals and birds alike can pick up, especially after treatment of antibiotics which depleat normal gut bacteria creating an environment where clostridium can thrive or it can take hold while suffering from a parisitic disease or from toxins that damage the lining...
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