chicken momma

  1. M

    New chicken momma!

    Hi all! To answer the sample questions: (1) I became a chicken momma in January and couldn’t be happier! (2) I have 10 (have had 12 all together, but the unprecedented snow storm in TX in February, I lose two babies) (3) What breeds do you have? 3 EEs, 2 Welsummers, 1 Silver Laced Wyandotte, 1...
  2. khloee

    New guy

    Hi everyone. I'm a new member to the backyard chickens team. I'm one of the younger chicken mommas. About 4 years ago I had a flock of four hen, three of which were named after the Three Stooges, the other was a bantam and a silkie roo. Unfortunately all but one of my birds was killed by a...
  3. Rosebudseast

    New Chicken Momma

    Hey there! I'm a new chicken momma since July. My husband and I have a small farm where I grow flowers and we love eggs so we thought why not get some chickens. It has so far been rewarding and way more involved than I has expected. But I should also add that I love animals so I am probably way...
  4. B

    Finally Signed Up!

    Hey yall! Heather hailing from Alabama here! Just wanted to take the time to introduce myself. (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? No, I've been taking care of my mother in laws chickens since July of 2016 (2) How many chickens do you have right now? We have a little...
  5. Jes78b

    Newbie Alert!

    Hello BYC community! My name is Jess, and I'm a newbie here. I've been enjoying the threads on this forum, and have gathered so much info about chickens, coops, breeds, and so much more over the past 6 weeks. This really seems to be a helpful community, and I look forward to meeting new people...
  6. iroeldjoeldj

    Renee Brandt Introduction

    Hi! I have been raising chickens for over 5 years...and providing advice to everyone along the way. I use this forum a lot for information and it has proved invaluable over the years. I am currently hatching my first batch of chickens using an incubator...and I'll know how I did next week. I...
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