
  1. K

    Is my hen broody?

    Hello, my 6 month old rhode rock hen laid an egg today morning and rolled it under her. The egg wouldn’t have been fertilized as we don’t have a cockerel. We put in some hay for her and she made a nest around it and sat on it for around 20 minutes. Then she started trying to escape and I let her...
  2. think_fast_chicklenuts

    Is it legal to keep a wild turkey in the flock if they joined in on her own?

    I have a couple chickens in my backyard (loads more being raised right now) and a female wild turkey decided to lay her eggs in one of my bushes. She spends most of her time on her eggs, obviously, but she seems to enjoy the chickens' company, and she even crouched for the rooster, who then...
  3. Hen_House04

    Iceberg Lettuce HELP!

    Help! I grabbed a head of iceberg lettuce and gave the chickens a few leaves and let them peck at it. They ate less than a half of the whole head. I’m reading now that it is toxic to them. What are signs I should look out for?! I’d hate if something happened to them. I didn’t know!!! Please help!
  4. K

    Dry hatching

    Hey guys I heard dry hatching has more of a success rate? Is this true? I am trying dry hatching for the first time, and I’m just asking if yall could tell me about your experiences with dry hatching and if yall like it better or not. (Maybe leave tips if wanted)
  5. K

    Dry hatching

    Hey guys so I’m dry hatching for the first time. I have heard dry hatching has a higher success rate? Is this true? Also, if y’all could give me some Tips for a higher success rate please lmk.
  6. mottledpekins

    New Member!

    Hello everyone! I'm new to BYC, coming here with hopes of learning! :) (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? No, I've owned chickens my entire life. I don't remember a time without them running all about our farm. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I'm not...
  7. Astrohens

    Day 23 and no signs of internal pipping

    Hi there! I am a first time hatcher and I have four fertile silver-laced wyandotte eggs that haven't hatched on day 21. I am using two broody hens to hatch them and have been trying not to touch the eggs as much as possible to increase the chance of them hatching. i’ve heard that it’s normal...
  8. Bkrog

    Importing Hatching Eggs

    Has anyone ever imported hatching eggs from either the UK or Germany into the US? Is it even possible or will I need to ship live chickens? If it was possible what did it entail? There is one breed that I really want but cannot find in the states
  9. Hen Pecked Wolves

    Can Chickens Eat Momordica balsamina

    I have Momordica balsamina vines growing in our Chicken Run! we live in Florida, and this vine is from somewhere not in Florida 🤣
  10. M

    My name is Tina new to the Backyard Chickens

    My husband and I live in Eastern Oregon with our little brood of animals. I have had chickens for a little while just for eggs. roughly 16. I recently acquired 8 silkies and have questions about breeding etc. I have leghorns, bardrock, Wyandotte, easter egger, and Silkies What are your...
  11. Desertvalleychickens

    Desert Cooping

    Hello everyone, Welcome to Desert Cooping! This is the page for the Desert Valley Chickens! All of the @Desertvalleychickens chooks reside here! 🏠 My Chicken Story: From 2018, chickens have been my passion. My first flock was made up of sussex and white leghorn hens. Sadly, they got killed by...
  12. K

    Will the chicks lay blue eggs?

    Hello! just wondering, I have a blue egg laying breed (devon blue rooster) and pekin Bantam pullets, will the chicks lay blue or brown eggs and if so what will be the overall egg production per year and egg size?
  13. iLoveMyChickiesss

    Hen or roo?

    A few days over 3 weeks. Smallest of all my bantam chicks. Comb and waddle is slightly bigger than my other barred rock bantam but I’m not sure they’re the same breed. Pretty sure this one is a Barred OEGB.
  14. FloweringFeathers

    Introduction :)

    Hi everyone, thought I'd make a little introduction post since I just made this account. I've had chickens my whole life, but got more in to them recently during Covid. I have somewhere near 40 right now, but that number will be growing shortly. I have many breeds, standard size, bantam, and the...
  15. P


    Hi! I'm Emmaly, and I've been raising chickens my entire life. The past 4 years however, I started to take it a lot more seriously. I got into researching breeds, genetics, diet, etc. and at this point I think I'm just addicted to chickens. I raise mainly Bantam Cochins, Sebrights, and Easter...
  16. BrittnyChicks


    Hello all, I hope your evening/morning/afternoon is turning out well. The egg is a coturnix quail egg! I have 1 egg due tomorrow, my plan is keeping humidity around 50-55% (because I have 11 other eggs (NOT DUE TOMORROW) ) and I think when it starts a pip, I'll raise to 60% as max. I will put...
  17. P

    Wild birds co-habit with backyard chickens??

    Currently a backyard bird-feeder with various types of seed and nectar feeders. Are there any considerations when bringing chickens to the property? can the two exist together?? 💛 Specifically, will wild birds still consider my home a haven/safe space for them, and visit here year after...
  18. Carole515

    Chickens Again

    I have been without chickens for five years after raising them for 50 years. I am so excited to get a small flock started again I need to familiarize myself with the newer coops that are very predator proof.. I am in the process of re-search. I would appreciate feedback on what you consider the...
  19. Stellasmomma

    Laying ages

    Hello! I was curious at what age to chickens slow or stop laying? At what age are laying hens considered old? My oldest hens are 4 and they have slowed down in laying even this past summer they do not lay as much as they used to. My husband said its because they are older now and we need to get...
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