cream legbar

  1. T

    Silverrudds x Bielefelder and Legbar.. what color should chicks be?

    I have a blue Silverudds isbar rooster over cream legbar and bielefelder hens. I thought this would result in blue or black chicks that are sex linked, but some are coming out very similar in color to the hen color.. Is this a possibility?? I will add photos of the chicks in question
  2. Twelve chickens on the kitchen table....

    Twelve chickens on the kitchen table....

    This is a 'brain dump' of all my thoughts and actions of our first incubating and hatching journey - from receiving the eggs to popping the chicks into the brooder. It's purpose is for me to be able to look back on it for future hatches, and for others to be encouraged and hopefully learn...
  3. 6-Hens-and-Me

    Pullet sitting down all the time?

    Hi folks, I’ve got two new hens, one Easter Egger and a cream legbar the E.E has been laying well, but the Cream Legbar hasn’t yet, but she has been sitting down a lot outside ever since we got her just sitting not on eggs or anything just sitting down whilst everyone else is looking for bugs...
  4. seacrow13

    Cream Legbar Chick— Male or Female?

    This chick is around 36 hours old and is the only one I’m unsure of, so any help is appreciated! Hopefully the print in the photo from the red light isn’t too troublesome. *Editing to say we’ve figured it out, this is actually one of my egger legbar mixes that got mixed up when moving the...
  5. browngd

    Young Cream Legbar Not Laying

    We bought all of our chickens between June 7, 2023 - July 21, 2023. Almost all have started laying except our Ameracuana's and Copper Maran and the Cream Legbar. The Cream Legbar was purchased around June 20th and it's not yet laying even though ones we got after are laying. I have read that...
  6. M

    First Ever Hatch Along! - Maran Mixes

    My first chick started pipping last night around 8:30pm, at about 7am this morning I heard the peeping of the first baby! This is my first hatch, quite a compulsive decision. We had to cull our rooster after he tried attacking me, but I didn't want to miss trying for some olive eggers! I was...
  7. ChickenAJ

    What is this bulge? / Not Laying Eggs

    Meet Cammi, a sassy 1 yr old Cream Legbar chicken. She and her other cream legbar have always had a hefty sack back there, so i never thought anything of it. (The other cream legbar died though because of egg peritonitis.) Over the last couple weeks or so, i have noticed we dont have her...
  8. H

    Cream Legbar Hen or Roos - Day Old

    There are three cream legbars, the other two are half silkie, half legbar (broody mama was a silkie, figured she should get a few of her own babies too). One of the legbars is obviously a hen, no head spot and dark stripes. The other two (pictured) are questionable. Both have stripes down their...
  9. A

    Should I sell Cream Legbars, Appenzeller Spitzhaubens, or Lemon Owlbeards?

    Hi all, I am planning on breeding and selling chicks locally. I have read a lot of posts about which breeds to sell, but I can't find much discussion about these breeds. So, Cream Legbars I know sell really well in my area. I've been trying to buy some for myself and they are sold out before I...
  10. L Home Farm


    I have a cream legbar pullet whose eyes look… odd. She’s absolutely healthy, preening, scratching, pooping, eating, drinking, etc. But her eyes are a strange shape, and I’ve noticed her blinking a bit and sometimes shaking her head. I got her & her 4 sisters from a guy who told me they were...
  11. TaylorGlade

    TaylorGlade Tails of the Banana Chicks

    So, I've noticed everyone else has their own little poultry diaries, and I thought, why not create one for us? I mean, if only to document the saga of our feathered escapades. We're like the newcomers in the chickenhood, starting from scratch with our flock. Now, picture this: I had my fair...
  12. ChickenAJ

    Cream Legbar (1 yr) Has Odd, Non-Contagious Symptoms

    This is Petra and Cammi, my two cream legbars. Recently, over the past month or two, Petra has been developing some odd symptoms. I hope you can help me figure it out. First, she was laying down all the time, tail tucked, and we noticed she was not laying eggs. She also had some build up...
  13. 0723232000a.jpg


    Cream Legbar Chicks female
  14. 13LuckyChicks

    What breed are these chicks?

    Is there any way to identify a Cream Legbar from an Easter Egger or a Prairie Blue Bell? Hoover sent a box of chicks to my feed store - they didn’t band or identify any of them. It was a box of EE, PBB, Sapphire Olive Eggers, and Legbars. I had specifically ordered a Legbar and was hoping I got...
  15. H

    What Gender is my 8 week old chick?

    So I have a few cream legbar crosses were not too sure who the daddy is... And we've got 5 cute babies however we are very unsure of whether this baby is a male or female. This is a then and now picture :) Can anyone help out please? :)
  16. CCsGarden

    Chickens and Flowers

    I'm CC and this is Agathae in my flower garden
  17. JoanieShrubs

    Cream legbar laying beige/tan eggs

    Hi, we have a young cream legbar hen who’s been laying for a couple of weeks. She came from a local farmyard where there are a few different heritage breeds but separated into different areas so the roos don’t mate across breeds. Our legbar is laying beige eggs :/ We love her and don’t really...
  18. Pango_Flappyham_Popcorn


    Hi I'm new I just got my first chickens which are a cross mix of a Maran and a cream leg bar. I have 3, called flappy ham( her thing looks like flappy ham) popcorn , and Pango. I built the cage myself on a low budget, got most of it for free, the wood the chicken wire, hay. I've also got eggs...
  19. havingagreatflockingtime

    Cream Legbars and Cold Weather

    Hi - we are considering expanding our flock with some Cream Legbars. I am reading mixed reviews on if they are cold hardy enough to tolerate New England / CT winters. In the winter we do have average temps in the teens, 20s and 30s during the day with drops at night into the teens. On occasion...
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