day old

  1. SageFay

    Day-old Chick with Injured (Broken?) Ankle

    Chick hatched this morning under a broody hen. We found it out from under her and as we went to pick it up to look the hen pecked at it aggressively again. At first all we saw was a small wound in its back so we brought it into the brooder and treated that. Then we noticed bruising on the left...
  2. Just G

    Silkie Chick Colours (Best Guess Please)?????🐣 and one with lighter skin??? 🤔

    Hiya, I've just managed to hatch 6 silkie chicks from 12 shipped eggs (handled badly by the postman) so very pleased with the result. Just wondering if anyone could tell me what colour adults you think they'd turn out. Any excuse to show off some cute lil fluffy butt's 🐣. Thanks In advance. Oh...
  3. B

    Day-old Indian Runner Ducklings beginner!

    Hi! I am potentially getting Indian Runner Ducklings from the local feed store, as day-olds. I am looking for information on raising them, and there is a lot of contradictory information, or info about call ducklings... but I know runners are different. I understand the early feeding, duck...
  4. picklepat

    What to supplement feed with for newly hatched ducklings and poults?

    I'm fairly new to having backyard poultry, only for about a year and a half. I bought my first chicks from TS in September 2020. They told me to feed them chick starter, which I did and all was fine but they did not recommend any other type of supplements, vitamins or electrolytes. When the...
  5. M

    Is my EcoGlow safety 600 working properly? Is it ready for day old baby chicks?

    I will be getting chicks in the mail in a few weeks, so I decided to test the brooder recently to make sure everything was working so i wouldn't be scrambling last minute. The ecoglow safety 600 is the kind where one side can be higher than the other, so after some research most people suggested...
  6. B

    Need help!! My two day old chick with sore eye???

    I bought home 4 day old chicks today, and noticed after our car journey one of my little polishes seems to have a sore eye that I didn’t notice before when I picked them up.. I’m wondering if it happened on the drive home or something.. is there anything I can do to help her??? It seems to be...
  7. MoxxyMay

    Quail chick’s feet up near its head

    Hey guys, I’ve just had two baby quail hatch at day 16. The first one (Captain) seemed to be okay walking around at first but then I noticed her feet were turned in and she seemed to be hobbling. I’ve tried taping her feet in the proper position but they still rotate inwards and cause her...
  8. Fallenone05

    Atwoods and their Mystery Chicks

    So, my local Atwoods being an Atwoods had a bin of chicks labeled "Fun and Fancy Pullets." There was no other identifyer anywhere, it literally just slapped a mystery label on it and called it a day. This is the chick I got from the bin I put her under my broody hen and she immediately took...
  9. Kaida

    Colours of Brahma chicks?

    Heya, I recently hatched 4 Brahma chicks and I was wondering if anyone knew their colourings as adults.
  10. R

    Hen not good mother

    Good day! One of my hen hatched 3chicks from the 5eggs. She seems to be not a good mother, she eats everything but not letting her chicks eat. Sometimes she pecks at them. Is this normal? What can i do? She is of a Texas breed which seems to show the aggressive behaviour. I am having hard time...
  11. R

    New day old chicks

    Hi! 3 out of the 6eggs i tried to let poultry supply incubate hatched May 16/17. This is my second time to raise baby chicks without the hen. My brooder space is quite big but they are only 3. It is about a 2ft x 2ft dimension. I have used 25watts light bulb for there heat source placed in the...
  12. M

    20% mortality rate and rising

    I pre-ordered 100 white American Bresse from Dunlap Hatchery earlier this year, vaccination for Merek’s included, and got my first shipment of 50 day-old chicks in the mail on Friday. 1 DOA, nothing unusual there. I moved them into the brooder with little fanfare and left the DOA out back for...
  13. Crazy Duck Lover

    Raising/Rearing Procedures

    Hey y’all! This is my first time raising ducklings and I need some help. I had 4 ducklings hatch 3 days ago, and 5 more in a separate incubator have pipped today. 2 days ago I moved the four to their brooder. I just want to know.. how do you rear you ducklings/chicks and get them acclimated to...
  14. D

    Help, day old bantam silkie chicken is walking on curled up toes

    Hey all, I've got a batch of day old silkie chickens and one has curled toes. Most of them have polydactyl toes but this one also has curled up toes. I think from a traumatic hatch, and I say that because I've read about it in this forum when we first noticed it, only one has both feet- one only...
  15. Chickenp00p

    Newly hatched chicks!

    These are my 1st ever batch of chicks. Started off with 12, had some accidents, had some infetiles, and ultimately ended up with 6. I just wanted to share some pictures, I am so happy that they all hatched! These are 3 of the chicks, the rest are black like the one in the picture. Also, I...
  16. A

    New to turkeys sleepy day olds. Advice please

    Hi all turkey keepers, Just bought my first turkey poults. I’ve always had chickens. Put them in a new clean brooder and showed them where the water and food is by dipping beaks in (as seen on YouTube). I’ve come to check on them this evening and they’re all look worryingly sleepy under the...
  17. reesechickpic

    help me identify the breeds and genders of my chicks

    These chicks were sold to us sexed as pullets. The yellow one was supposed to be a cream leg bar, however, I think it's more like a leghorn. any thoughts? the brownish one I believe is a barnevelder. This is not their normal set up, I was taking two at a time out on this towel with some food and...
  18. A

    Got new chicks, one is having trouble walking and is sleepy! Help!

    I just got two new chicks, one is having trouble walking and keeps slipping. It can walk a little on pine shavings, but not any slippery surfaces. I believe it's a female, and I don't know the breed. It's probably just a day or two old. It chirps a lot, but also falls asleep quickly. What could...
  19. winglesschicken

    Day old chick possibly ate and drank

    I was told that they are not supposed to eat until they're 3 days old. Is anything going to happen to the chick because it possibly ate and/or drank?
  20. rascal66

    Hatching Chicks is becoming depressing (Omphalitis rant)

    I love hatching and raising chicks. Hubby and I have been going full steam on hatching chicks this year. We are hatching for numbers of reasons, such as recycling our current flock, selling chicks, and having freezer meat. All is well and its been so fun and rewarding... Of course, until death...
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