
  1. 1lilmrnstr

    Outdoor cage for luvies, budgies and others?

    Hello all! I have a small farm with a lot of rescues on it! From cats to goats to lovebirds and even 1 little, adorable, hognose snake! I finally finished building the Peacock Palace, next project is Ducks Digs which will be beside our little pond! In the meantime, I have been talking to my...
  2. Owls 🦉 How to Deter

    Owls 🦉 How to Deter

    We've lived in Arizona for 30 years. In 2012 our friend and neighbor Lou passed. He would put rocks up on the top columns of his patio for doves to nest. Doves are horrible nest builders and often their eggs roll out of their flimsy built nest. The neighbor who bought his home had no interest...
  3. GoldenBlossoms

    Why did my dove do this?

    So the other night I brought some of my baby chicks in to try and get them more use to me (they are being raised by my mama hen who I hand raised) and while spending a bit of time with them my pet Dove flew over to them (she free flies in my room) and it was cute watching them all look at each...
  4. ItsYelik

    Female ringneck mad whenever male coos

    So I recently incorporated a Wild Type male ring neck in with my Snow White female ringneck. They love and groom on each other constantly and rarely separate from each other. I noticed the other day that when the male begins bow cooing, the female will peck at his head to silence him. She only...
  5. DotTheHen

    The Pigeon Palaces and Dove Dorms of BYC

    Welcome! I have made this thread specifically to show off your lofts, aviaries, and other setups for the pigeons and doves of BYC. The chickens have their stunning and elaborate coops flaunted, so why can't we do the same? It's simple... Just post some pictures of your setup (and maybe show...
  6. johnsonfarm

    Lame dove with other issues...

    I have a young dove (6 months) that is limping badly on one leg, it is slightly swollen, but no visible injury. I don't see any string or hairs wrapped around it either. I did some google searching and read that salmonellosis can cause lameness? I ordered some Medpet 4 in 1 powder hoping that...
  7. P

    Can doves die if it gets below 60° ?

    I was told by a fellow rescue that doves will die if it gets below 60° ? I just adopted two doves and I need to know if they will die if it gets below 60° I heard it depends on the breed Are these guys white pigeons (release doves) or white ring necked doves
  8. 12 O-Clock Choir

    Companion for a Ringneck Dove? Maybe Quail?

    Howdy! I have just been given an exceedingly elderly female ringneck dove, and am considering getting her a companion. She currently lives in a room containing two other cages with her mate and daughter of some years ago, but is going to be moved soon to a new home very far away. At this new...
  9. BackyardFarmer4

    Looking for pigeons

    Hello! I’m looking for some pigeons for 2 of my little sister’s aviary! They are 9 and 4. We are looking to get some fantails or any fancy breed! Even mixed breed pigeons would be great! We aren’t looking to spend a lot of money on birds and or shipping as we got scammed $97 from trying to buy...
  10. My Pretty Pekins

    How do you keep a dovecote clean?

    Hello! I currently have 8 doves, 2 of which are only just flying. They are managing to do a huge amount of droppings around their dovecote, and I can't find any way to keep the area clean. Does anyone have any tips? Thank you!
  11. H

    Do doves NEED a partner?

    I've seen many people recommend a pair. However, I only want one male dove but I won't/shouldn't get it if it NEEDS a partner. I can play with them for majority of the day (although it is said they are hands-free pets). Would they get lonely? Do they need a partner?
  12. HenzandHoundzFarm

    Different Species With Pheasants

    I'm going to the Pennsylvania Aviculture Society Tailgate later this September! I am so excited to get involved and am looking to possibly get a few more birds! :D I'm wondering what species can live with pheasants that are perhaps lower to the ground or higher. Does that make any sense...
  13. Al Gerhart

    Feedback on New Feeder Design

    I'm not sure how many times I told customers that I would never make a large version of our rat proof chicken feeder, that it wasn't feasible for several reasons but it turns out there was a way to get it done and escape some of the hold backs. One of the issues was making a longer door meant...
  14. NineChickens

    Can a dove or pigeon live with a canary?

    Can a single dove (like a diamond, cape, or ringneck) live with a single male canary? What about a single pigeon living with a aungle male canary? I know canaries are solitary birds but people keep them in aviaries just fine. Would the dove or pigeon be sad it didn't have a friend of the same...
  15. HappyFeetHens

    Taming Doves

    In March 2016, I bought two diamond doves from a pet store (first problem). The pet store was completely clueless and it was clear the poor things had never been handled. They were very skittish. They’ve definitely bonded on each other, and that’s good, because when I can’t be around, they have...
  16. C

    Re-Homing 2 year old white Dove named Mindy (Maryland)

    Hello Everyone, unfortunately, I have to re-home my White dove Mindy who is two years old. My new apartment management are not allowing nay pets at all. She is a very sweet dove who loves human companionship. She is tamed. She loves perching on shoulder, finger, she would even cuddle up on your...
  17. Quails1

    Ringneck Dove Egg!

    The time has come... I have happened to notice an egg laid in the nest box about a week after the female dove was frequenting in and out of the nest, especially during the morning hours. Before laying, I added some dry grass and weeds and layered them in the nest to use as bedding to cushion the...
  18. Kuritsumon

    Super cheap dove outdoor aviary?

    Due to new landlord rules, I either have to get rid of my doves or put them in an outdoor aviary, and thus not inside the house. Is there a cheap way yo build an aviary for less than $100? That's all I have. .n. Thanks for reading and I hope to hear good news from someone soon. Edit: I just...
  19. Eelhsa

    Ringneck Dove - Strange Vocalizations

    I am posting this in the hope of gaining some insight into these vocalizations my female Ringneck dove, Sable, has been making. Sable is almost 1 year old (my husband and I have had her since she was approximately 4 months old). She has been making these sounds more frequently lately, however...
  20. Foxyschickens

    left on our doorstop, injured or deformed?

    Hi this little dove was at our door this morning. We want to help it. Looks like scabs or warts over eyes and a puncurethane mark on top of head....
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