
  1. Featherss

    Duckling unable to walk and acting funny

    Today when feeding I noticed one of our ducklings acting weirdly with the mother and other duckings pretty far away. when I picked it up٫ it looked sick so I brought it inside to give electrolytes and to further inspect. It can not get its feet under it and just looks unwell over all. It drank...
  2. Quacking ducks

    Is my duck molting

    Is my Indian Runner just molting? or is there something wrong with her face? she has missing most of the feathers on one side of her face. any ideas? Thank you
  3. Fangeddeer


    Hi Ive been hoping to find a female duck or ducks as stated before. so I’ll take in some rehomes! Comment here or text 2095037752 ! will delete when done
  4. Aliamelody

    My duck lay weird eggs! Please help!

    I have a 2/5 year old aylesbury female duck. The one in the right side: . She started laying at 5 month. She ve been getting calsium since she started laying. She had normal daily laying. Without any pain. She eat normal and she was a happy healthy duck. Sometimes she laid two eggs in a day...
  5. crkaufman


    My duck was really sick last couple of months Vet said there’s no cure for her red blood cell parasite (and nothing about this online) she got from a mosquito bite I prayed and prayed not expecting a miracle but asking for wisdom to know what to do for her and support her I thought about it...
  6. Psychofeatherlover

    When to take Muscovy egg from mom 😥

    We have a Muscovy hen, Mo, and she ended up with only 2 eggs left due to a snake. One has hatched and the other has not. How long should we wait, before taking that egg away? The first one hatched about 2 days ago. All the Muscovies stayed in the run the last 2 nights, like family in the...
  7. thoeffel1994

    How long can partially incubated duck eggs survive without the mother sitting on them?

    How long can partially incubated duck eggs survive without the mother sitting on them? I went outside to put the ducks up for the night and found my broody Muscovy hen dead. :(
  8. G

    Mallard opens his mouth?

    Hey y’all. I’ve got a mallard duckling, about 2 months old, and he’s got a funky behavior. I notice it mostly when they’re outside but playing in the water, but he’ll open and close his mouth a few times between splashes. He’s also done it outside of the water. It’s not panting, I know what his...
  9. E

    Duck missing feathers and blood feathers look rough?

    Hi I'm a newer duck owner, we had gotten two ducklings originally about two or three months ago then decided to get three more ducklings about a month ago. One of the newer ducklings is missing his feathers on his wings and his blood feathers look beat up after I got home from work today. Theyre...
  10. D

    Please help! Why does my duck sometimes struggle to poop?

    I’ve noticed this while watching her, but sometimes she seems to have a hard time pooping. She’ll poop about half of it then stop for some seconds and poop the other half out after. Please help, any help would be greatly appreciated. Is it serious? -She’s a Pekin duck -She is a year and a half...
  11. H

    Is this feed moldy?

    This a Manna pro duck feed I’ve been giving my duck lately, but it seems kind off.. I don’t know, there are some black spots there after looking closely, so I’m a bit worried. It doesn’t feel weird nor does it smell bad, but was there always black dots on the feed? I don’t know. I have noticed...
  12. D

    Why does my duck sometimes struggle to poop?

    I’ve noticed this while watching her, but sometimes she seems to have a hard time pooping. She’ll poop about half of it then stop for some seconds and poop the other half out after. Please help, any help would be greatly appreciated. Is it serious? -She’s a Pekin duck -She is a year and a half...
  13. D

    Is there undigested food in this duck poop?

    I’ve been looking at it for awhile now, but I can’t really tell. I don’t believe there is any, but there seemed to be some earlier, so I want to make sure just in case. Any help is appreciated! -She is one and a half years old -She is a Pekin duck -She’s only been eating Manna pro duck feed...
  14. thoeffel1994

    Today and yesterday I went down to my broody ducks nest and noticed egg shells outside of the nest and broken!?

    I went down to my ducks nest and found broken egg shells two days in a row!? Do you think it was the mother that did this or something else? Has anyone else had this problem ever?
  15. D

    Twin Ducks - 2 ducklings in one egg

    Hi guys, 5th time hatching duck eggs, but first time we’ve ever had two in one egg so a bit unsure how to proceed. Currently on day 20 and a good bit of movement when I candle. I’ll attach some pictures below, but does anyone have any advice on what to do if they make it to day 28? Most of my...
  16. H

    Duck with very hot beak and cold-ish legs?? Please help!

    Her beak has been very hot for the past few days. We believe it’s because it’s summer now, but the AC is always on and though it isn’t cool during the mornings, it’s fine at night. However, her beak is ALMOST ALWAYS hot even during nighttime. She’s panting and her beak is hot, to the point it’s...
  17. Heartsopenwide

    Duck door?

    How high and wide does a duck house door need to be?
  18. RueBuckaroo

    Muscovy Male In Need of Home

    Hello everyone, I’m in desperate need of finding my muscovy male a home. I live in Miami, Florida. I live in a small apartment and do not have the time to take care of my duck anymore. I would walk him outside everyday. But now I am going to college and my schedule is becoming packed. I love him...
  19. A

    Can Big ducks and little ducks share space

    I have three two months old call ducks inside (too hot to transition). Outside I have an older Blue swedish, and three roughly one year olds: a magpie, a Welsh harlequin and a silver Apple Yard. I was only intending on keeping one of the call ducks however I was just informed that she will...
  20. P

    Buff Duck 7 weeks old suddenly having seizures

    One of my Buff Duck hens is suddenly having seizures today. She will be 7 weeks this Tuesday. We started our little chicken/duck farm 7 weeks ago with 13 Barred Rock Chickens, 7 Bantams, and 3 Buff Ducks. Every other bird is fine. This is the only one with health problems today. She's having...
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