
  1. P

    Need advice on solo duckling

    I am not new to ducks but have never had a solo before. I have him or her in a large tote with a hot water bottle and a sweater to nest in. I also have a small heater pointed beside but not at the tote. My questions are: Should I be worried if it is constantly preening, what are the signs of...
  2. D

    Flock Building

    Our Ancona drakes have been really into our Black Swedish ladies…to the point that they will pursue them through the whole garden. It’s happened a few times that one of the ladies will be separated from the flock and I recently spied one who had been sitting alone for quite a long time and was...
  3. OzarkEgghead

    Sawdust as bedding?

    Hi y'all... I've raised chicks/chickens for a decade but this is my first foray into ducks. I have 9 absolutely ADORABLE Ancona ducklings that are a week old now. Initially, I started them out on a thin layer of soft hay bits that fall from the bales for our other livestock. It's very soft &...
  4. L

    Ducklings left without heat lamp for 2 hours, should I be worried?

    I have three call ducklings, two are nearly two weeks old and one is around one and half weeks old. I turned off their heat lamp for a few minutes earlier today, then forgot about it and went on my computer for nearly two hours. I just went downstairs and remembered about it and turned it on...
  5. Frodo the Pekin

    Ducklings and bantam chicks in the same brooder? How bad of an idea is it?

    How bad of an idea would it be to brood standard sized ducklings and mille fleur chicks together? My dear mille fleur hen Agnes died a while back at the claws of a dog. We adored that hen and now have the opportunity to get some of her sisters' fertile eggs to hatch from the farm where we got...
  6. I

    Cayuga or Not?

    I had a broody Muscovy who's eggs didn't turn out, so I got her 4 ducklings. I was told these were Cayuga, which I've never had before, but it seems like they have a lot of yellow (plus one with a lighter beak). I don't really care what breed they are, I just wanted them to distract mama duck...
  7. F

    Can these ducklings

    Can these babies go outside with the rest of my ducks ? Afraid of hawks they have there shelter and such all fenced in but obviously a hawk could still fly up there roughy 3lbs to 4lbs adult feathering on chest tail and coming in on the wings they are Muscovy ducklings thank in advance ☺️
  8. S

    Duckling seem frightened

    Ok so guys I think there is a huge problem with my duckling... The one I love the most Actually from past few days she started flipping over so I had to keep a watch on him everytime He started eating drinking less and pooped watery and sometimes just a drop sizes poop Hes weight has gone down...
  9. C

    Duckling runt?

    I’m hatching a few of my duck eggs and I had this little one hatch two days ago. It pipped right on time but did seem to struggle completely freeing itself. This little one at three days old now is still smaller than a one day old silkie and less than half the size of the other ducklings that...
  10. N

    broodee setup

    my ducklings are all doing well but they are jumping out of there brooder at less than a week old! i put posters around the gate because they can fit through it to keep them inclosed but i need to find a cheap way to make a bigger brooder for them any suggestions?
  11. N

    raising ducklings

    all of my ducklings hatched and i have now switched them to the brooder any tips?
  12. N

    first duckling

    first baby hatched this morning at 8am others look like they will hatch later today!
  13. N

    first pip!

    i have a update last night 3 of the ducklings started pipping noticed before i went to bed they were wiggling alot a few anothers are now wiggling more hopefully the others will pip within the next day or 2 will let you know when they hatch!
  14. DriXx

    Ducklings & Slipping Slides

    Idk who need’s to hear this, BUT YOUR DUCKLINGS NEED A SLIPPING SLIDE 😍 Here’s mine ( 3 1/2 weeks & 1 week)
  15. P

    2 duckling suddenly died? Why?? (Warning pics of dead duckling)

    So I got these eggs ordered and they incubated fine. The first one was very healthy, moving and exploring alot. Then the second one came, more smaller and with curved feet. But so far they were okay. But then the first died, it's feet was pushed back. The other one died later on, before it was...
  16. N

    HELP hatching duck eggs need help determining age

    hello i recently found duck eggs in my yard theres 7 eggs all are moving but im not sure how old they are if you hsve any tips about hatching ducklings and taking care of them please lmk and if u know how old they are i would appreciate it thank u!
  17. N

    how old are my duck eggs

    hello i rcently found duck eggs in my yard i have kept them alive and just got a incubator how old do you think they are? any tips on hatching and raising ducklings?
  18. S

    Broody hen. Can i introduce ducklings?

    I have a Rouen hen on a nest. I started seeing her there 5 days ago. The second day a rat snake got into the nest and she was real alarmed, but wouldnt leave the coop. Then, she was back on the nest every day since. The first day I thought I had come upon her while she was laying. She was...
  19. P

    Duckling sounds and their meanings

    I just adopted a baby duck. It's only 16 days old and I don't know the gender. I am wondering about its behavior. I don't understand a lot because I had never been in contact with a duck pet So when I try to catch it and raise it. It looks scared. But the second day when I put it in my hug it...
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