
  1. EllieHasTooManyHobbies

    Egg-bound? Sick?

    So my hen is almost 2 years old. She's normally an active runner and a healthy layer. She hasn't been moving much for the past day and a half and there's definitely an egg in there that she hasn't laid. I've tried all the usual things for an egg-bound hen. We've done a warm Epsom salt soak...
  2. Shibabe

    Help! Chicken lethargic with tail down

    My egg laying and normally very spunky hen has taken a weird turn today. This afternoon she was her normal, active self but when I came out to feed them dinner I couldn’t find her. I ended up finally finding her under a bush not moving with her tail feathers drooping to the ground. She seems to...
  3. V

    Chicken stopped walking and seems to be short of breath.

    Good morning, I have some chickens that can't get up or walk. I have her in a little box adjusted to her size and I feed her and drink her. I just don't see any improvement... Sometimes when I give him a drink. He seems to be drowning. Same when he eats. I don't know if he's out of breath... I...
  4. AmyA248

    PLEASE, could someone help me figure out what’s wrong with my beautiful Pekin???

    Good afternoon, After losing his mate, my male Pekin has not been himself, and over the past month he has stopped bathing and something is VERY WRONG because he looks TERRIBLE!! He has several sores and is a complete MESS!! We keep our coupe immaculate and they are all very well cared for a...
  5. D

    HELP! Day 21 - Chick is hatching but I see blood!

    This is my first time ever hatching in an incubator. It’s day 21 and two eggs have pipped so far, but one of them has blood leaking from the crack. Not pouring out by any means, but enough that it’s easily noticeable from such a tiny crack. Should I intervene? Leave it alone and see what...
  6. S

    1 day old chick legs turned out and bone showing. Please help!!

    Some silkies hatched yesterday and one more hatched today. He seemed to be doing fine just weaker than the others when he first hatched. Then we realized the other chicks were picking at him to the point of dragging him. We put the chicks in a brooder and put this one back in the incubator. We...
  7. C

    Baytril Powder 10% Dosing for Sick Chicken

    I have a sick bird in need of Baytril (enrofloxacin), and I need help determining the correct measurements. I purchased "Enrofloxacin 10% Powder." The packaging includes instructions for administering the drug in drinking water, but because my chicken is not drinking much and the taste of...
  8. G

    (EMERGENCY) Hen with broken egg inside body

    I noticed she was lethargic and had a penguin stance. When I picked her up I immediately saw clear egg yolk-mucus goop out of her vent, which looked enlarged. She was quickly declining so I soaked her in epsom salt and tried to feel around for an egg with a lubricated gloved finger. I couldn't...
  9. Chickenwithnobrim

    Egg bound or ascites?

    Hi all, I have an older hen who was already an older Unknown age when I found her dumped by somebody and she's been with me for 3 years. Last night she ate like normal and had a big poo before bed but this morning she was lethargic and wouldn't come out of the coop. I managed to get her to drink...
  10. Emrosenagel

    Does this X-ray look normal?

    hello! My 9 month old bantam has been having problems with her crop and possibly other things. We got an xray yesterday and they saw nothing strange. Today, I went to another vet who actually showed us the xray. She said my hen has a mass in her reproductive organs, possibly a tumor or...
  11. C

    HELP!! Very swollen and bloated eggbound hen, what else can we do for her?

    Hello, I've got a 10 1/2 month old Andalusian looking hen, who feels very eggbound and full, named Billie Joe. We noticed last Sunday afternoon when we'd picked her up. She's been separate from the other chickens in dog crate with plenty of pine shavings, water, and food. Billie Joe circles and...
  12. TesoroSena

    Help please! Chick paralyzed? Other chick dead!

    I hatched out two chicks a few days ago and neither of them did well. The first one had a breathing problem and paralyzed feet, not legs, like the toes. The other had split leg and the paralyzed toes. The first died a few minutes ago, and now this chick is all alone. I might move it into the...
  13. A

    Crusty eyes crusty nose lethargic

    Alright guys I've been raising chickens for 10 years and I've never had this issues.. Crusty eyes and nose like you would see a human have if they had pink eye. I know if it's running eyes and nose it's respiratory and contagious. I don't want this to be the end of all my chickens....and I have...
  14. S

    Vent Prolapse (dead tissue/intestines ??)

    Hi everyone I have a bit of emergency and could use some advice ! I have a nearly 4 year old Cochin chicken with what appears to be a prolapse vent from laying an egg that was to large (look at picture below for egg) for her. Note this is her first egg after going through a molt Two days ago...
  15. R

    Quail egg emergency on day 17

    So, this is my first time hatching quail with an incubator. I had only two broody hens before, so I'm not completely new to the game. My eggs are on day 17 now, and so far everything went good, chicks developed great and the first ones started to pip the shell yesterday afternoon. However , I...
  16. PandemicChicken

    Hen pecking at dirt where there was a heating fuel/oil spill! Wiped her soil-stained beak & very strong oil smell

    One of my hens keeps getting into the area where heating fuel/oil spilled all over the ground a month ago. The ground was covered in leaves & I thought was frozen, but she managed to dig/peck her way through to reach the soft soil where there’s still oil residue/fuel that got absorbed into the...
  17. A

    HELP! 3 Month old Ameracauna dying!!!

    Hey I need quick answers please, doesnt matter if its a sentence or bullet points, etc. My ameracauana had, had a change of attitude since monday but I thought it was just going at a slower pace since i had started letting them free range, and thought it was looking for bugs. Well today I come...
  18. T

    Help! Sick Newborn Keet

    My partner and I have our first set of Guinea fowl keets! Mom had one egg left after the others hatched but kept coming off her nest and it was quite cold. Could hear it pipping and see the cracking so we put it under the heat lamp. My partner saw him struggling once hatched to disconnect fully...
  19. W

    3+ year old chicken short breaths

    Hey everyone! We have one lady, we call her disheveled, who has been having an issue lately taking a lot of short breaths. We noticed this quite a few weeks ago she started yawning more, so we kept an eye on her. Slowly it started progressing to now. Currently she is breathing through her nose...
  20. Eggsandbeyond

    Cocidia?? HELP!!

    I scoop the poop out of the coop every morning and noticed this one with blood tinged mucus in it. I have a younger flock on medicated feed and they will steal theirs sometimes. Should I treat with corid? Is it safe if they're eating medicated food? Do I need to toss their eggs while on the...
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