free range ducks

  1. J

    To wing clip or not to wing clip

    So my brother recently got 4 mallards that have been given to me to care for. They’ve been doing quite a lot of “flying” around and he’s worried that they’ll fly away in a few weeks if we don’t clip their wings. So I just have a couple of questions about clipping. 1. Is it ethical? I feel bad...
  2. M

    Pekin feet injury HELP/insight!

    Hi everyone, Big Mama has been having issues with her feet for a little over a week now. I am between thinking it’s bumblefoot or a callous. She is also limping, only bearing weight on her left foot, which seems odd because that one looks worse. I’ve been giving Epsom salt baths to her feet...
  3. J

    Two 6 week old Pekin drakes need a home!

    My RV park manager bought ducks for the park pond. They turned out to be Pekins, 1 male & 3 female. They weren’t fed proper nutrition as ducklings, so all the females are weak legged & pigeon toed. When they were fully feathered they released them to the pond, as free range ducks. One of the...
  4. P

    Free range ducks

    Hello! I have 6 Pekin ducks who will soon be ready to be moved outside (free range). Looking for advice on Duck house size/construction and How to go about teaching my babies to go into duck house at night. Duck house/construction.. So I've read they need at least 4sq feet of floor space per...
  5. W

    Wanting Ducks - Never had any poultry or waterfowl before looking for general setup advice

    Hi all, I've been reading into ducks for a while and i'd love to get a few Indian runners for my garden! I have a few questions: - Will my shed be suitable as a duck house? (See photos) i intend to remove the window and replace with vent and add a further vent into the door - Is a run...
  6. Brycycle

    Will my ducks go bush if I let them free range.

    I've owned three muscovy ducks, a mother and two ducklings (about 7-8 weeks old) for about a month and we've had them in a enclosed pen, but we won't to have them free ranging. However, there are two problems. The first problem is that we have a large area of dense bush around our home and we...
  7. L

    Muscovy Ducks

    I have 10 free range muscovy ducks, started with 2 drakes and 2 hen ducks, now I have 4 drakes and 6 hens. 2 of the hens and 1 of the drakes are the original ducks I started with. I think one of my drakes, Blackie, one of the grown up ducklings, is killing ducklings from all the hens as they...
  8. Eilsel

    Will domestically raised ducks fly away?

    Hello all! I'm currently raising 6 chicks, but my hair-brained little brother decided to buy two mallard ducklings and raise them in his dorm room (don't even get me started:rant) "until they get too obnoxious to keep in there" so I'm sure they will end up at my house in very short order. I have...
  9. R

    Getting a new buddy for my duck.

    so recently my Peking duck lost her best friend and she has been super lonely. She follows us everywhere quaking wants to come inside and it’s sad watching her ourtside by herself. She is a free range duck and stays on our property which is not currently fully fenced. ( currently under...
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