
  1. Guinea Fowl

    Guinea Fowl

  2. Guinea Fowl

    Guinea Fowl

  3. Guinea Fowl

    Guinea Fowl

  4. Guinea Fowl

    Guinea Fowl

  5. Guinea Fowl keets

    Guinea Fowl keets

  6. Guinea Fowl

    Guinea Fowl

  7. Guinea Fowl

    Guinea Fowl

  8. Guinea fowl

    Guinea fowl

  9. Anita Scott

    adding turkey poults

    I started out with 5 guineas. With the help of the incubator the flock is staying around 30 for the past 2 years. Last winter we added 10 mixed breed chickens. 2 were eliminated for dinner since they had a bad attitude. Still have 2 roosters and 6 hens. They are a various mix of banty and red...
  10. Button Quail 123

    What's Your Favorite Breed (Chicken or Other Poultry)?

    Feel free to comment below on your favorite breed. :) :jumpy Button Quail 123
  11. June Chick

    Tell Me About Guineas

    Alright. A little while back, a fox got 4 of my chickens, and just last night, a cat somehow managed to get my 3 chicks. I've heard Guineas can make great additions to the flock and are on constant alert for dangers, and get LOUD if something is out of place. Tell me ALL about Guineas. What...
  12. J

    Where to buy guineas in South Florida

    Anyone knows where to buy guineas in South Florida? I'm looking for retail sales, not wholesale.
  13. gguineasfamily

    Guinea fowl genetics... and wattles

    Hey guys! So I have a theory about guinea fowl genetics and I haven't seen it anywhere else but... flat and curly wattles. Some females have curly wattles (like my Misty and Glossy) but most have flat. Some males have flat wattles (like my Flap and Tabby) but most have curly. Male sex...
  14. E

    How to re coop train guineas?

    First I apologize for a long post... I was feeling pretty confident raising guineas until they hit adolescence. I got my guineas when they were 3 weeks old, I have transitioned them to a coop. They were in the coop until they were about 12 weeks old. I started free ranging them and after the...
  15. L

    Guineas getting stuck in chicken pen roof netting

    I have a few young guineas that free range during the day and have a coop for nights. They are young, about 4 months old. My chicken run is covered with netting over the top- 2" square nylon netting, I think it was meant to cover fruit trees to keep birds from the fruit. The guineas have...
  16. Bartels42

    New Member always looking for more knowledge

    I am new to this so bear with me if I dont do this exactly correct...I joined today and I will start with the questions provided :) Are you new to chickens/ when did you first get chickens? * No I am not new to chickens...I have been around chickens ever since I was young ( going to be 43)...
  17. Mixed flock enthusiast

    How to more safely free range guineas?

    Hi All, we hatched 15 guineas that are now about 10 weeks old. They’ve been raised with chickens and ducks, and they’ve all been in a coop/run for 6 weeks. My intention is to free range the guineas (maybe with a rooster/hen) and have them come back to the coop at night to roost. For three weeks...
  18. C

    Adding New Adults

    I had a male and female guinea that were very bonded. I cooped them for a month, then let them free range. They always returned to the coop at night. My hen recently died and I’ve brought home three new adult hens this morning to keep him company. They appear to be getting along quite well so...
  19. Broody Bottoms

    New Here From Texas

    Hi y'all, I have been reading the questions & replies on Backyard Chickens for a while now, so I finally decided I should join. A little over a year ago, I assembled a hen house & did some yard work for an elderly gentleman. Though I didn't expect anything in return for it, he insisted on...
  20. Lamia1791

    Guinea Coops

    I have a question about coops for guineas. Are the nice big chicken coops ok for guineas? I was thinking of buying one off those pretty pre-made coops, but want to make sure the guineas can get in and out of everything ok. Thanks!
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