hatch a duck

  1. H

    Incubating and hatching

    I had a batch of eggs that went on lockdown. I’m having trouble figuring out what the issue is! The first group of eggs that went in a little while ago only 4 made it with being assisted. Each egg made it to lockdown but never internally or externally pipped, it’s like they didn’t even attempt...
  2. Duckloveportugal

    Wry neck or other condition in newborn duck.

    Good morning everyone. I started incubating duck eggs for the first time 26 days ago. My first duck was born in day 24 and the second in day 25 im still waiting for more of them to hatch. But the second born duck has apparently some neck problem and cant put his head straight, he also walks...
  3. holiduck

    Natural hatch questions

    Hi, I am taking care of friends' young duck couple who had never gone broody before. It's about day 24-26 (I don't bother them and they did remove some non-viables in the first 2 weeks, so anything is only approximate). Their behavior is different this morning - normally he gets her up, they...
  4. Sproutablossom

    Duckling Help - Hatched premature and is at the 72 hour mark out of egg

    Hello all, Our Indian Runner ducks laid eggs and diligently sat on them up until the first one hatched. The mother then accidentally suffocated the first baby so we removed the other eggs and very swiftly put them in the incubator. All 8 had pipped, and after 12 hours everyone but two had...
  5. C

    Leg/foot hatching injury, disease, what's going on?

    The baby call duck just hatched today a day later than all the rest and I noticed there is something off with it's foot/ leg? I need help and advice my first time with hatching ducklings.
  6. J

    I incubated my eggs in 96.5 by mistake

    Hi everyone I I incubated my eggs at 96.5 by mistake because the temperature is stable and I trust my incubator I never checked it my mistake, humidity 49 to 55 no more no less I candle them on day 26 and they are all alive and moving a lot with the air sack big and the embryo covers almost all...
  7. L

    Help please

    On my duck eggs it looks like their this weird design that almost makes it look lines are on the egg. I candled them and some had air sacks and others I couldn't see through the shell. I am just wondering if I completely screwed up and killed all the eggs.. please help
  8. H

    HELP! First time hatching duckling! How long does it take to zip fully before we should intervene? It’s been 5 hours

    Hello everyone! Please help - it’s our second attempt to hatch a duckling my daughter was heartbroken the first time because the little fella didn’t make it. This duck seems much healthier and has already started to zip. But now seems like no progress or movement for 5 hours. When should I be...
  9. Christian1982

    Help with lockdown on duck eggs please

    Hello, my ducks are on day 18 so I just want to make sure I get this right.. they’re currently running on 37.5 Celsius- what temp do I put them on when on lockdown on day 25 please? Thankyou x
  10. M

    How to enable my duck to hatch a few eggs...?

    Hi - I've had feral ducks for 10 years but now am trying with domestic. Due to fox and mink my tiny flock was down to one white campbell who has never laid an egg for me (she is 3 years old, a lockdown rescue, I'm told she laid in the past but infrequently). A week ago I acquired a Cayuga...
  11. katiee

    New ducklings advice 🐥

    I have a few questions about our new babies. I have a 2-day-old female duckling and a 1-day-old male duckling. They have slowly started to drink water. Both pooping and seem healthy. The female chirps a LOT more than the male. Is that normal or could there be an issue (cold, hungry)? The...
  12. AshleyNicole06


    Ducking is moving its beak..and I can hear little peeps.. Hopefully not shrink wrapped as I accidentally knocked the lid off.. Just my luck!!
  13. AshleyNicole06

    Duck eggs...

    Quick question! Please help! I have 6 eggs in an incubator right now. Lockdown will be with a couple days for atleast two of them. (They are all on different days) I'll have to take the automatic turner out.. what do I do with the other eggs that need turned during lockdown? I can turn by...
  14. A

    Anyone know how old these babies are??

  15. C

    Find out with me if this duck egg is fertile!

    June 23rd I was walking through a forested area which is homed to a lot of ducks and geese. After walking for some time, I look and notice I’m about to step on this random duck egg in the walking trail. I picked it up and it was cool to the touch so I immediately held it for about an hour for...
  16. Jcarnahan

    Help! Duckling pipped but looks like its turned around now!

    I have a duckling that pipped over 24 hours ago. The little one is still peapung and wiggling but it looks like it is turned around now and the membrane looks like it is starting yo dry out(humidity is at 72%). Im really trying to intervene too much but its not progressing and I don't know what...
  17. Stefankeyes

    Hi Everyone! I'm New To The Club!

    Hi everyone! My name is Stefan, I'm new to the club here. For the first time in my life I am trying to hatch our own chicks and ducks as a little backyard farm / pets. If anyone has some good advice for first timers that would be great! I very much look forwarding to having some chickies and...
  18. A

    Internal pip question ?

    So my duck eggs are beginning to hatch early. Day 24, For the past couple okays it looks like some where internally pipping, but I wasn’t able to hear any chirping. This morning in one egg I heard chirping and there’s a big dark spot where it’s trying to externally pip. What I’m asking is a...
  19. M

    Muscovy hatch help

    I have a Muscovy with 6 eggs due to hatch Friday. Yesterday one started to pip. My hen broke open the egg and carried it out of the nest. The duckling is still alive and the bleeding has stopped but I am not sure what to do. Do I leave it in the shell or take it out of the shell?
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