help appreciated

  1. FayeAndHisChooks

    Possible quail chick abandoned—Please help!

    We found a baby bird last night. It was being stalked by cats and we couldn’t find its parents so we brought it in. We think it’s a quail, but confirmation would be nice. Can anyone guess what breed it is? Are they able to eat chicken food? If not, what can they eat? I fed it egg yolks (from...
  2. A

    Plans for a new backyard coop/run build

    Hi all, hoping to get some advice before I start doing any real construction. After buying a bunch of items that were both probably too expensive and insufficient for my flock's needs, I realized that I needed to add quite a bit more run space to hit the suggested benchmarks that everyone was...
  3. D

    Sick Duck, dont know what to do for her

    Hey there, I have a female buff duck, almost 2 years old, who recently has started acting strange. We first noticed that when the flock would venture to the neighbors yard she would stop walking, drop her wings and wanted to be carried back to our yard. This is very unusual as our ducks do not...
  4. Starcrossed

    Advice needed

    HI all, this might need some context so please bare with me: I volunteer at an animal rescue. We had a lady drop a box at the fence and leave, she didnt talk to anyone. Inside was a singular chick and a note saying it was 2 days old. we already have chickens, and a hen who's clutch had hatched...
  5. FluffyFeathers_03

    How long does upper respiratory infection last?

    Hi everyone, I have a hen with an upper respiratory infection. I don’t know what kind of infection it is since I’m not bringing her into the vet. It’s my first time with a sick hen, she gasps for air, wheezing, and coughing. Anyways, back to my original question, I was just wondering how long it...
  6. M

    Is my Chick okay?

    I just hatched 2 chickens in my classroom. I have noticed some things about one of the chicks since it was born on Tuesday, and wanted to make sure he is okay. He seems to be very twitchy and also has some strange feather spots/patches. I will post a picture and video if I can. I am just worried...
  7. Paslittleangel1990

    Is this a deformity or slipped tendon?

    This sweet babies leg is growing crooked, he's a blue Swedish, I've had it for about a week and it seemed to be standing fine and walking fine when i got him, he's been super hard to catch as he's still very mobile. he's fiesty so assessing has been hard but I noticed today he has a tumor like...
  8. Starrponies

    Please help me and my silver laced Sussex!!

    Please help me and my silver laced Sussex. She is about 7 months old and started laying about a month or more ago each egg has gotten bigger and bigger I started giving her the calcium citrate with D3 last week and have seen no improvement in egg size. today I went out and she just is off...
  9. F

    Please any insight is appreciated!! Eye infection or something more serious?

    Hello everyone, I could use some guidance/advice. I have one hen, about 9 months old, that isn’t doing great. A few weeks ago, I noticed her one eye was super swollen/crusty and looked severely infected. She also had diarrhea. I took her to the vet, they prescribed an antibiotic, an...
  10. ChickChic00

    Easter Egger x Barred Rock, Blue Bell Egger x Barred Rock

    I have a EE Rooster I believe, I'd like to know if I bred him with one of my barred rock hens, what would the offspring look like? Like a general guess would be helpful. I would like to know if they are gonna all be barred in some way? Thanks so much!! Also would like to know if crossing my Blue...
  11. Crazy chickn lady

    Need help diagnosing potential illness

    One of my Australorps, Molly, recently had bumble foot. We thought we had cured it, but turns out it hadnt fully healed and she also had it on her other foot. We have now successfully removed the core. I dont know if it's related, but she stopped laying awhile ago even though she's about 2 yrs...
  12. paradisepentacoop

    5 week old Australorp with issues

    Good day everyone, I spend a bunch of time observing my chicks to get a feel for their personalities. I have a mixed flock of two Silver Sebrights, three Golden Sebrights, and two Australorps. They have been moved from their dog crate brooder to a much larger temporary coop and have been loving...
  13. Mattie15

    Rooster Overbreeding Hens/ Raw-Backs :(

    My rooster Andy is a big sweetheart. He was 'not to often' with his ladies when it came to topping them. There were no injuries or feather issues. Well, then I had to move back in with my dad. He has a pen with a rooster and hens, and then a separate but connected pen for a pair of game chickens...
  14. KathiQuacks

    My ducklings keep needing assistance, because they don’t have an egg tooth. Why??

    Hello BYC :frow So, I’ve been doing a staggered hatch over the past couple weeks, and during that time, I’ve had 7 eggs make it to lockdown. Out of the 7 eggs, 3 of them have had NO egg tooth. One of them didn’t make it, because they covered the safety hole I put in and couldn’t pip a new hole...
  15. chloeg001

    Bumble foot and more?…

    Hi all please be gentle with judgement as this has been a very stressful and anxious situation. This has been going on since summer 2023 and I have been trying my absolute hardest to deal with this. My silkie rooster has had swollen feet for quite awhile now. At the time, I thought it would go...
  16. BuffBrahmaBantams

    Polish cock with wry neck, suggestions and help wanted!!

    My 1 year old silver laced polish rooster got wry neck in early december, not long after his brother died on Pneumonia. He tuckes his head under his body and only on his right side. He is eating and drinking on his own, and will ge up to walk from one end of his temperary housing to the other to...
  17. Sunbonnets

    Help with male or female please 🙏🏼

    Aloha from Hawaii! I’m new to all of this and have been raising 3 chicks that were supposed to be female. They are doing great but I’m concerned that one might be a cockerel. They are all approx. 16-18 weeks old and this one is much bigger than the others. She/he is also the boss of the other...
  18. R

    Hen's eye has been injured

    Hello all! I'm a first time chicken owner and I arrived back from school and discovered my splash-Australorp, Tincel, with an eye injury, she was just standing underneath some shelter not being very active (it was raining at the time). I checked on her and discovered her eye was swollen up as...
  19. Quail_

    Chicken Temperature

    Winter is coming and fast for New York. I have a heater and water heater getting set up but i want to know when i should generally take my chickens inside because their health and safety are at risk Of course i will be taking them in if there is a blizzard, or sudden freeze. But what chickens...
  20. Hen Pecked Wolves

    Any help is appreciated! I’m adding a video to explain my problem!

    I’m sorry I realize that I can’t out of it was just a picture so I posted a video on YouTube and share the link. I would’ve just posted a video if I could have.
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