
  1. F

    5 hour old serama chick

    Hello! It’s my first time incubating, I lost my favorite roo and my broody girls to my neighbors dog 2 weeks ago. This little guy hatched 5 hours ago and I don’t know if it’s me being super paranoid but he’s still having a hard time walking. He was falling over backwards for the first 30 minutes...
  2. EquiAsh95

    Help on this day 8 egg

    Day 8. I’ve already had to pull out quite a few eggs. 7 were empty and 1 was a quitter. I’m thinking this one is a quitter too. I could be wrong but it doesn’t look quite right in my little experience I have. What do you all think?
  3. HorseDad

    Duck egg incubation question

    We noticed tonight during candling that one egg seems to be stuck to the membrane or have some sort of issue with the veins. It almost seems like there may be blood inside the egg. If anyone has any info on what this could be, I'd love to hear it. Should we remove the egg? Hope it hatches? The...
  4. K

    Toxic Incubator

    Hi all, I am hatching eggs in my classroom. I had 14 hatch in a styrofoam incubator. Because of the high hatch rate and the varying hatch times, my incubator got really gross on the inside. I had four more who were trying to hatch, but never made it. Could the air in the incubator be toxic...
  5. PuddlesandWaddles

    Do these eggs look okay? One looks a little weird to me

    This one is the one I’m not sure about. Should I take it out? Also how do the other ones look? Today is day 8 and these are duck eggs. Thanks!
  6. A

    I only have one duckling what should I do!?

    Hi, I incubated 3 call duck eggs with my chicken eggs just to see if they were even fertilized. Well we candled all the chicks and duck eggs that didn’t hatch and it seemed there wasn’t anything in any of them. We went outside to crack open the eggs to identify why the eggs didn’t hatch...
  7. ElGoose

    Goose nest suddenly stinks during hatch

    Polly is hatching some goslings right now, one hatched yesterday but today there is a slightly weird smell that is worrying me :^( it’s not a rotten egg smell though I’m not exactly sure what it is - another egg is hatching and I’m worried it may be that, it seems to be mid hatch and i would...
  8. Lowskizz

    Need help with my incubator

    Hello! I just made my first still air incubator from wood scraps. The size is 20 x 18 x 16 (lenght, height, and width). Lightbulbs are both 50w and there are 2 holes on the sides of the incubator about 1 inch. Was wondering if the lightbulb placement is okay and if there are other...
  9. M

    Incubation Period for Roman Tufted Goslings ...

    Hello all, This is my first time posting, though I've read these forums for many years. I'm a kindergarten teacher. I've been hatching in my classroom every spring for the last 14 years. I started with chicks and then moved onto ducklings, which I fell in love with. So much so that I kept some...
  10. A

    New here, hello! First time incubating, duck eggs in a Little Giant -- tips (humidity, temp?) :)

    Hello folks!! :) I raised chickens and (LOTS of) ducks growing up, and totally fell in love with keeping ducks. I had my own mini flock of khaki campbells about 10 years ago, but have had to step away from it since. I finally live somewhere where I can have backyard poultry again, and I'm SO...
  11. C

    Eggs not getting fertilized?

    I’ve been incubating quite a few eggs from my silkies. We should be on day 15 so far but when candling over 75% show no sign of development. I’m not sure why this would be. I have my one roo in with 6 hens. Is he just not getting the job done? I don’t think it’s an issue with my incubator as all...
  12. M

    Egg looks split vertically

    So I got a new horizontal incubator, meaning you lay the eggs on their side. It’s supposedly turning them every 2 hrs. However when I candle (day 8), half will be clear and the other half dark. What’s causing this separation? Is this normal for a horizontal incubator? I see movement in all the...
  13. C

    My baby chick can’t get up

    We just hatched a baby chick in my class, and it seems like one of its legs isn’t working properly, but it’s can still move. The chick was stuck in the egg for about 3 days, but she did get out. It has had a couple good drink of water, but now is peeping because she can’t get up. We think her...
  14. Goose in the snake room

    Advice for late hatching geese eggs

    I’m currently in lockdown with 2 white Chinese geese on day 32. Before I put them in lockdown I noticed their air pockets were a little smaller than I would have liked to see. Now I’m worried they won’t have enough oxygen from their internal pip to their external. So far no visible movement or...
  15. R

    HELP Egg Turner Fail

    So I recently realized from day four today 11 my egg Turner was not engaged for incubation! Is there any tips on how to correct potential sticking!? I have it re-installed and working now to turn every two hours automatically. I’m just super worried that when the chicks hatch will they be stuck...
  16. T

    Incubator Temp Fluxuation After Adding Eggs

    Hello all, I have a Farm Innovators 4250 styro incubator. It's worked great twice now and I like it. I started a batch of eggs today and the temperature started fluctuating like crazy. I've had it on for about 5 days now, and the biggest difference I've seen is about 1.5° F in opposite corners...
  17. S

    Temperature drops

    I got a Brinsea Mini II Eco, set it up correctly etc., the problem I’m having is the temperature is dropping a LOT when I open up to turn my eggs and then taking a long time to get back up. Is this okay? How do I prevent it from dropping so much? It’s 37.7c usually, dropping to around 20c and...
  18. S

    Help! Are these duck eggs fertilized!

    Help! Are my duck eggs fertilized??! I have one drake and the rest are hens I cracked these open because I read in Google you can tell. I still can’t tell. Anyone have advice??
  19. Luckyhen006

    Questions about incubator

    Hello there. I just have some questions about my incubator and I was wondering if someone may be able to answer them? ➡This is our incubator, We last used it Spring of 2021, Filled most of the tray with eggs and most hatched with the exception of a few Losses. But anyways, Question #1 Does...
  20. PhoenixManz

    Give newly broody hen ready to hatch eggs from incubator, or freshly hatched chicks?

    Hi all! I have a some eggs in an incubator that are due to hatch starting Monday, 4th March. Goldilocks: has been broody since two days now and she should get the babies in the incubator. I've read that that should be possible. My question: would it be best to give the eggs to her before they...
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