
  1. EllieHasTooManyHobbies

    Egg-bound? Sick?

    So my hen is almost 2 years old. She's normally an active runner and a healthy layer. She hasn't been moving much for the past day and a half and there's definitely an egg in there that she hasn't laid. I've tried all the usual things for an egg-bound hen. We've done a warm Epsom salt soak...
  2. Shibabe

    Help! Chicken lethargic with tail down

    My egg laying and normally very spunky hen has taken a weird turn today. This afternoon she was her normal, active self but when I came out to feed them dinner I couldn’t find her. I ended up finally finding her under a bush not moving with her tail feathers drooping to the ground. She seems to...
  3. E

    Sour Crop Cured- but now chicken can't walk; almost comatose

    Hi everyone, long-time reader but first-time poster here. Recently, one of my hens got sour crop, and I was able to treat it with vomiting and Monistat. She was perking up and even eating again after the smell went away and her crop went down (she wouldn't eat for about a week, but was...
  4. D

    Do we have a sick leghorn

    I visit my hens every day since I got them two weeks ago. At first everything was great but now I have an issue with not collecting any white eggs for the last 4 days. The Amber star has been Queen royalty while the white leghorn - who's also a bully - demonstrated her amazing laying prowess and...
  5. W

    Large ISA Brown Chicken Lethargic with Blood Shot Eyes

    Hi everyone, I have a ISA brown chicken (~2 years old) that has been lethargic, sluggish, and slow recently. She has always been much larger than all the other ISA brown chickens in the flock. I let the chickens free range during the day, and she has been unable to keep up with the others who...
  6. Australorpfamily

    Urgent! Possibly of what's wrong with our 5 week old chicks? Graphic pic poop

    Out of our 9 easter egger chicks, two started acting weird yesterday. Thought they were cold outside so we turned on the CHE, it did drop here from the normal. We lost one this morning. The other is still hunched over. In almost a standing sleeping ball. Barely chirping and moving. We have...
  7. T

    Hen is lethargic for a couple of days

    One of my hens has been a little off for a few days. Not coming running for food and treats, keeping to herself. This morning she didn’t come out of the coop and I grabbed her to see if I can see what the problem might be. I noticed she has a lot of little white bugs on her. I’m assuming that’s...
  8. Emrosenagel

    Can probiotic powder cause problems?

    Hello! I made a post yesterday about my hen (9 month old blue andulusian) who suddenly started acting weird, not herself, lethargic. Things got even stranger at night when she decided to sleep in the nesting box and then, at 12am, starting doing the egg song/distress call for about ten minutes...
  9. G

    Yellow poop disease?

    I want to know what's causing this. I've now had 2 hens die in 5 months. They are my loving pets and it kills me that I don't even know what did them in. I also want to know so I can help if it happens again. I got these hens at beginning of 2021. With both of them it started with yellow poop...
  10. M

    Lethargic Sick Chicken - help!

    I have a 3 year old buff Orpington that we noticed had been a very swollen abdomen around the date of the 15th of March. Thinking she was possibly egg bound, we gave her an epsom salt bath but no change the next couple days. I then looked into the symptoms of water-belly. We ended up draining...
  11. L

    Hen with one eye closed, lethargic

    Hi all, I have a 1.5 year old golden laced Wyandotte named Ruthie. Yesterday morning I went in to scoop poop and noticed she hadn’t come down from her roost. Her bum had a bit of droppings on it (not normal for her), and the droppings underneath her were quite watery and slightly yellow. Up...
  12. C

    Lethargic stumbling rooster PLEASE Help!!

    My rooster is wobbling, tries to walk but stumbles, laid down with his feet in awkward position - mostly under but not Al the way and his wattle is dark purple on top and when he was laying down he just started closing his eyes. I thought he was dying- maybe is 😢 I went in to get some warm water...
  13. High Mountain Hens

    Lethargic Hen, Not Eating or Moving

    Hello all, I’m back, though unfortunately not under better circumstances. Another one of my hens, 3 year old Barred Rock Luela, seemed to contract a mysterious illness. Over the course of last week, she seemed to slow down and not keep up with the flock as usual. I didn’t think much of it...
  14. N

    Easteregger hen is lethargic and has a poopybutt and I’m not currently able to get to a vet.

    I noticed our hen was lethargic last night but put it down to me closing them in their coop later than normal. The other hens were already roosting but she was on the ground next to the waterer. She doesn’t always roost up high, she’s larger than our other hens and older. She’s about a year old...
  15. Grateful Dad

    Diagnosis please.

    This girl seems to have good spirits, eats, though I have not seen her drink. Lays down most days. Has a bit of a limp when walking, lethargic compared to the others. Checks include looking for injury, odd smells, bugs, some vent proctology. The right foot had long nails and seems weak. She...
  16. Tookie

    Small Duckling Acting Off

    Hi! I just got 6 ducklings yesterday morning in the mail from Metzer hatchery, they hatched Tuesday morning. All were doing well yesterday, then today I noticed one of my Welsh Harlequins acting off. She’s the smallest out of the bunch, too small it seems. She’s constantly chirping, it’s pretty...
  17. M

    Urgent advice broody hen lost eggs now not eating

    Our hen sat on eggs for 40 days and was eating and drinking during that time, she lost all her eggs and we separated her so she would stop sitting and have a break. She ended up getting wet overnight and now is not eating or drinking and is very lethargic. Is this just exhaustion or is she...
  18. Mariakoltsa

    Weird head movements and lethargic.

    Hi! My chickens have started to go very slowly. Maybe its the age but it doesn’t quite seem right. Taking months to pass in very miserable ways. Last chicken was not quite herself, very slow and standing still a lot and at the end i had to put her down because she had not drank for 4 days and...
  19. T

    Please Help, I don’t know what to try next!

    My olive egger, Gertie, is about 18mos the old. About a month ago we started having issues with her - lethargic, losing weight, not eating much if at all and excessive thirst when she would drink. She started molting but seemed a bit extreme compared to the others. She was also having diarrhea...
  20. BerthaBoo

    emergency - hen suddenly can't stand, head tremors, lethargic

    Hi all, Found a hen sitting down outside 20 minutes ago. 2 hours ago she was fine. She can't stand, when I tried to support her she seems super weak and floppy. Her comb is turning purple and she's having head tremors and breathing very heavily. What could be going on? I do have a mareks...
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