nesting box

  1. T

    Best Nesting Box Location? Interior, hybrid or exterior in the run?

    I went ahead and built a 4x4 chicken coop for my 4 pullets, but haven't put a nesting box in yet because I wasn't sure if I wanted it hanging off the side, more flush, or completely exterior. The inside of the coop is 16 sqft and they have a 50 sqft run- which nesting box style would be best for...
  2. StefneyRSA

    Why do my Orpingtons prefer to huddle together on the floor instead of roosting or using their nests at night? How should I design their coop?

    Why do my Orpingtons (bantam and regular) prefer to huddle up on the floor at night instead of roosting on their perch? I’m busy drawing up plans for a luxurious coop for them to sleep in (this will be inside of a very big catio-inspired run/enclosure/aviary in my backyard). They’ve been in a...
  3. O

    Otter Poultry - Rudolf & Jowanita De Villiers

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? - Hi, we are Rudolf and Jowanita De Villiers from South Africa. We have been raising and attempt to breed show quality Rhode Island Red and Japanese Bantam chickens. We have been busy for less than a year now, also one of the reasons...
  4. B

    Portable chicken tractor for daytime. Need nesting box ideas

    I have tried searching the site but couldn’t find what I was looking for. We are making a big metal dog cage/run into a mobile chicken run just for the day when we choose to pet them get some fresh bugs and such in the grass area. I know I can get waterer to hang on the wire but any ideas on...
  5. paradisepentacoop

    Roost and Nesting Box placement

    Happy Sunday all- I am running my brain ragged trying to figure out my build for aviary style coop I am working on. The coop and run are one and the same, with the entire area being roofed but otherwise open since my location is hot and humid (Puna, Hawaii). Some others in the area have literal...
  6. BoomChickWow

    Nesting box war

    This morning one of my nesting boxes looked like a crime scene. I have 3 nesting boxes open and 5 hens. 2 of them have been laying for a while and 2 just started laying. I know it was my 3 oldest fighting over this one box. One of them ended up laying on the drop board in the coop which has...
  7. Eggsandbeyond

    Nesting boxes

    I have a flock of 12 (11 hens 1 roo) but will slowly be adding. I have an 8x12 shed for their coop. How many nesting boxes should I have? I want enough so I do not need to add on in the future when adding onto the flock. I was thinking 6? I will not go over 18-20 chickens(I'm thinking lol) Also...
  8. Quail_

    Getting ready for first eggs

    My chickens are getting older and one should lay her first egg very soon. But im realizing there isnt much information (or information i cant understand atleast) that explains what i need and should do. I know we need nesting boxes, unfortunately my coop didnt come with pre made ones so i need...
  9. K

    Young Hens Hanging Out in Nesting Boxes

    Hi fellow chicken enthusiasts! I have visited this page for the last couple of months to read and learn, and I finally decided to officially join and help answer questions! I'm also having an ongoing issue with my girls that I'd appreciate advice on. My girls are 19 weeks old and 2 have very...
  10. Australorpfamily

    Nesting box and pads, fyi and reuse

    First, my dad made this box for his chickens several years ago and stopped using it, so we were able to get it. Fresh paint, ta-da! We did add two crates on end as it only held 4. I'm a very visual person, so I look for photos more. Read about using feed bags for pads- I cut and sewn a couple...
  11. E

    Help! 1st time letting mama hatch eggs

    So I have 3 hens that went broody around the same time. I let them each have 3 eggs. Some are definitely going to hatch, hopefully this weekend but not sure how many yet. I ordered a few chicks from our local farm store to have just in case. These mamas deserve babies! They’ve worked so hard...
  12. T

    When you both want to nest in your favorite roost & the other hen just won't move!

    So I went out to do my morning check on the ladies. Gave them their favorite treat - blueberries. Called out my "chick, chick, chick, chick" and only got a few takers. Which was strange. So I went into the coop and found this! LOL! I pulled the green egg out from under Hawkeye, but apparently...
  13. JohnsterSpacePoultrygram

    Any possible aquarium tank uses for poultry purposes?

    Not sure where to put this, so I'm posting it here. I have a spare 10 gallon glass aquarium tank which has never been used before that I've been trying to think of uses for with poultry. The dimensions of the tank are roughly 20" L x 12.5" H x 10.5" W so I've thought that maybe it can be used...
  14. Dilapidated Dresser to Nifty Nesting Boxes!

    Dilapidated Dresser to Nifty Nesting Boxes!

    Even though my old nesting boxes that my parents built were still in acceptable shape, I needed new ones. I had recently bought several Brahmas (the second largest chicken breed in the world!) and I needed something quite a bit larger and lower to the ground. Silver-laced Wyandottes in the...
  15. B

    Nesting box height.

    Pls advise! Nesting box height for: -2 brahma chickens -2 rhode island red chickens -2 ducks All 6 will be in same coop. Understand brahma wont fly high to nest and ducks/brahma need bigger nesting box. Nesting boxes, can I build 3 at 12 inch height from ground and 3 at 24 inch height form...
  16. lavendermarie

    How to keep other hen’s out of broody’s nest?

    Recently my sebright brahma bantam cross went broody. She’s pretty small as you could imagine, and she went broody in a nesting box. It was the least popular nesting box, but of course now that she’s in it everyone wants it. They keep trying to squeeze their way into the nesting box with her to...
  17. H

    Chickens taking out the nesting eggs I made an amateur mistake. When we put our pullets into the coop, we didn’t cover up the nesting box area (at the time we hadn’t finished putting the dividers in so I want sure if it mattered) One of my hens (16 weeks) laid her first egg, we found it in the run. So, we put dividers in...
  18. J

    Bought 18 week birds, laying on the ground

    We picked up 8 birds today. 18 weeks. They came from a large farm where they sell birds ready to lay. They were kept in an open barn. They are adjusting to their coop just fine and to our surprise, we got 2 eggs on the first day. Problem is they were just in the bedding in the coop...not the...
  19. AmberLittlejohn

    Laying/Nesting Boxes

    I have a flock of 14 hens (black copper Maran, Orpington bantam, EEs and OEs) and 2 ducks. Right now I have a double laying box, two singles, and a large communal laying box. I want to divide the communal box up because the hens only like the divided ones but will occasionally use the communal...
  20. katie_94

    Besides fake eggs and golf balls, what else have you used that worked to prevent a nesting box war?

    I'm trying to deter my girls from favoring one nesting box and I've read that this can be prevented using fake/ceramic eggs or golf balls but I have neither! If I don't have to buy some, what else can be used that is just as effective? That's if I have it readily available lol. If I don't, I'd...
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