not laying

  1. seven possums

    here we go again: Venus's sister Elvira 'leaking' clear fluid, help??

    Elvira has been flooding the poop board nightly with a viscous, clear liquid -- albumen? for several weeks. I didn't have a way to figure out who of the four it was until I saw her also launch fountains of it from her vent while going about her day; sometimes with feces/urates, often not. Her...
  2. D

    My other leghorn thinks she's a big shot

    So I had one bully leghorn that chased the others then I isolated her and she's been calm although quite lethargic and then the other leghorn who's the youngest started beefing with my amber star who's submissive and then I put that leghorn with the bully leghorn and she was instantly sized up...
  3. 2

    Update from the BarQ and a Question

    Things are going well on the BarQ. Three of the six hens started laying in November and are continuing to lay for now. Had an issue with the Leghorn’s comb. Had to go to SC because our Dad passed at 95. Came home to the tips of her comb blackened and the remainder was grey. But, treating...
  4. twobuckchuckfarm

    2 yo Hens Stopped Laying in May, Still No Eggs

    Right now I have 13 hens. 7 that hatched in spring of 2022, and 6 that hatched in spring of 2023. 4 of my original 7 hatchlings from 2023 stopped laying this past May after introducing the 6 new pullets and a 1yo Bantam Rooster (who is very nice to our girls) around the beginning of May. They...
  5. Olive_Egger

    Cream Legbars not laying!!

    We got our chicks in late april, and three of them (2 Cream Legbars, 1 Brahma) haven’t started laying. I’m less concerned about the brahma since from my experience they’re just plain weird and do whatever they feel like. The legbars, though? My last one did a great job of laying and was the...
  6. L

    Weak and skinny chicken

    I noticed about a month ago that one of my chickens’ combs was very pale and shrivelled and that she seemed to have less energy than the others. When I picked her up I also noticed that she is extremely skinny under her feathers, like basically a skeleton. I brought her inside and dewormed her...
  7. moosey

    Respiratory Issue

    Hi. This is my first encounter with a respiratory issue (but I've only had chickens for about 3 years). I've searched on the forums for info, and its all a little overwhelming. I have a 3 yo chicken who makes gurgle sounds when breathing. No mucus/bubbles from nostrils/eyes, no head shaking...
  8. G

    Chickens not laying

    Hi all! I am trying to get to the bottom of why my chickens aren't laying. Two of my steadfast layers (Black Sex Link and White Leghorn) never recovered after molt last fall. We finally butchered them a few weeks ago. In the last few days of her life, the leghorn was lethargic and her comb fell...
  9. G

    Chickens are not laying

    Hi all! I am trying to get to the bottom of why my chickens aren't laying. Two of my steadfast layers (Black Sex Link and White Leghorn) never recovered after molt last fall. We finally butchered them a few weeks ago. In the last few days of her life, the leghorn was lethargic and her comb...
  10. saving grace

    Duck Won't Bathe Anymore

    Hello, I've got another question about my Khaki Campbell hen who I've been having issues with. Here's a previous thread in which I put some of her details about her past, so I don't have to rewrite all of that...
  11. saving grace

    Duck who Had Niacin Deficiency Won't Lay

    Hello! I've been meaning to make a thread about this for a while. My Khaki Campbell duck, who is a little over a year old now, still hasn't started laying. When she was still a duckling (can't remember how old) she got niacin deficiency, even though I was supplementing them with nutritionial...
  12. hannahsocal

    Hens Not Laying For Almost 2 Weeks?? Why??

    Hello! Just thought I’d post here in case anyone has any thoughts or suggestions on what to do. :) So I have 4 laying hens (all are about 8 months old and have laid eggs before). In with them I have 3 roos that they grew up with and are friendly with (the roos mate all the hens and I’ve had zero...
  13. T

    Commercial Poison (err... "Feed")

    I'm an educated, middle-class, engineer and family man, and am usually averse to conspiracy theories. HOWEVER… I’d recently come across multiple stories about how backyard chickens weren’t laying anymore, and I could relate. We have 3 girls about 3 years old and they all stopped laying last...
  14. ChickChic00

    ISA Brown Hens

    I have 3 Isa Brown laying hens that are 11 months old. They finished up molt 3 months ago. Not seen a single egg from them. They have plenty of room, healthy food, plus scraps. I gave them calcium and I cannot for the life of me figure out why they aren't laying. I spray the. For mites also, so...
  15. proudduckowner22

    Ducks not laying

    Hi. I have about 12 or so female ducks. All under 2.5 years old. I have not received a single, not one, duck egg for 3 months now. I live in Alberta too by the way. I don’t give my ducks any supplemental heat, no heat lamps or anything. I feed my ducks once everyday, barley and 17% chicken layer...
  16. C

    1 eggs..sigh

    so I got 3 hens which were born 1 day after the other, just as there momma laid them (if you see my other post, its the black cross, and white leghorn). Anyway, the 3 of them are 8 months old, but 2 of them have been laying since 22 weeks of age, the 3rd has never laid an egg, but she keeps...
  17. M

    No eggs from a flock treated with Corid

    I have a flock of ten hens that I treated for coccidiosis when they were roughly ten-eleven weeks old. I treated them for two days, waited a week, and then treated them for an additional two days as was recommended, and then I gave them a couple days’ worth of nutridrench after treatment with...
  18. NatureGirl74

    Hen stopped laying

    I have a 2 year old RSL. She hasn't laid an egg in over a week. I felt her abdomen, and it doesn't feel like there's an egg inside. Nothing has really changed. I put our peafowl in the run several weeks ago because their pen was badly damaged by really strong wind. We just got that pen back up...
  19. Y

    Chickens stopped laying all of a sudden

    Hi! I have 6 hens and 1 rooster. About a year old. They have been laying a lot this spring and all of,a sudden they stopped laying the past week or longer. I started giving them a lot,more,produce that we are getting from a local natural grocers. Lots of various veggies and greens. Is that...
  20. spiritpots

    Possbile broody chicken?

    One of my chickens, who has been broody that past two summers, has not laid an egg for the past week. She looks healthy with a bright red comb and eats and free ranges with the rest of the chickens. I am finding her, however, in the coop standing or sitting next to the nesting boxes but not...
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