
  1. StefneyRSA

    Could someone please explain the ‘Guaranteed Analysis’ on chicken feed so that I know what each percentage means?

    I am new to chickens, I have a flock of 8 Orpingtons (2 x full size pullets, 1 x bantam cockerel, the rest are all bantam POL hens and younger pullets). I’ve done some research on the nutritional values of the feed I need to be giving my flock. Members on this forum prefer protein levels of...
  2. B

    Getting peafowl shortly, need advice on feed!

    Are vitamins or a higher protein content more important in feed? I am comparing two pellets. Also are the vitamin levels in the lower feed too high for peafowl? One feed is for meatbirds: 22 percent protein, 1.2 lysine, 0.5 methionine, 3.5 fat, 4 fiber, 0.75 calcium, 1.25 max calcium, 0.6...
  3. MaryKK

    Looking for Alternative to Avia Charge 2000

    One of my girls is laying eggs in which the yolks are getting progressively easier to break when cracking the shell. Is there an alternative to Avia Charge 2000 out there? It is manufacturing is discontinued... of course. Thanks in advance!
  4. S

    Looking for Nutrition help

    Long story short, my husband hauls pig feed for work and was recently in an accident (he's totally okay thankfully) but it meant all the feed had spilled. We were able to salvage a huge portion of it and was wondering if it would be an option as a treat or even as a full diet for our Chickens...
  5. H

    Hi All! I'm a professional poultry nutritionist

    Hi Everyone! I'm a professional poultry nutritionist based in the US (BS in Animal Science and MS in Animal Science focused on poultry). My Master's thesis focused on pullets, layers, and broilers growth and production. I can get more specific if there's interest! I wanted to hop on here...
  6. C

    Duck Conformation

    Hi Everyone! Out of all my ducks I have three Golden Cascade Ducks. I am wondering if there is a problem with one of them... It seems like she has a different conformation from the other two. I have added a few pictures. One is my Drake Two is my "regular" looking female Three is the female...
  7. Melko

    Natural ways to get Vit B for my chickens?

    I've noticed a general lack of Vit B in most feeds sold here, already tried two brands with similar results. I used to have a lot of issues with chickens becoming lethargic or having progressively paralyzed legs/wings/necks. Ever since I started adding Vit B Complex to their water these issues...
  8. EuroChook

    Nutrition for Chicken Flocks--Downloadable .PDF

    Courtesy of the Alabama (University) A&M Extension Program. This covers most bases. The file opens small, so mouse wheel that thing to a size you can read. Good feeding guidelines for egg-producers and meat-producers (as sad as that is. I don't want to think about it). *Most definitely...
  9. LizzzyJo

    Please ROAST my cheap chicken feed and tell me what to add!

    I use the feed listed in the link below. I've never had any issues with it and my flock free ranges daily. I'm getting more focused on feeding them and I want you all to tell me each and every thing that this feed does wrong so that I can work to supplement. I do have a little banty rooster and...
  10. Keeper of Flocks

    Greetings! New member introductions >

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I have kept chickens for over a decade. I was in my early twenties. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? 21 (3) What breeds do you have? I currently have 6 ISA Browns, 3 Welsumers, and 12 Pearl Star, all females I have...
  11. HensAndFriends

    Goat Sweet Feed

    You guys helped me out last time I had a goat related question! Thank you! My goats: Three doelings ages from 8-11 months old One wether 8 months old All of them have been getting 2 cups of Purina Goat Grower in a communal trough. Since they will be a year old soon, and I plan on breeding and...
  12. M

    Feather help- thinning and loss of pigment

    Hi all, my hens are looking pretty different with their feathers looking thinner (as in each feather is less full- not that they have fewer feathers) and some are even losing pigment. What can cause this and how do I help? They are not acting different and they’re combs are not pale. There is...
  13. fxyloos

    Super Small Chick

    I have 3 chicks that a mama hen hatched (10/1) One of them is so small and doesn't seem to be getting any bigger. I have been calling it Tiny or Tiny Tim. I don't know what the sex is yet. This small chick is about the size of a week old or at most a two week old chick. It follows the mama hen...
  14. MissGreenJeans

    Yellow beak changed color

    Hi! I’ve noticed an odd recent change, and I don’t know if it’s normal or indicative of something wrong. I have an Easter egger and an olive egger who used to have yellow beaks. They’re 11 months old now. I noticed a few weeks ago that their beaks were no longer yellow. I’ve attached a file of...
  15. FrenchFlock

    Araucana: plucked ear feathers won’t grow back?!

    My 10-month old Aracauna “calendar girl” was supposed to attend the French Aracauna championships this month but is banned from competing because her right ear tuft is missing. :( Another hen pulled the feathers out last fall and while she has successfully molted and has a lovely new “coat”...
  16. Utilizing the Parrot Chop Principle to Improve Chicken Diets

    Utilizing the Parrot Chop Principle to Improve Chicken Diets

    Let me begin by saying I am NOT in favor of forgoing a commercial chicken feed for my girls. It would be difficult, if not impossible, for an individual to formulate a nutritionally complete diet for chickens on their own. However, I am encouraging the use of healthy, nutritionally dense fresh...
  17. H

    Favorite layer feeds

    Hi All. Getting ready to switch my small flock of 4 to layer feed. I’ve heard great things about Green Mountain Organics layer pellets, and Small Pet Select non GMO soy free, corn free layer feed. has anyone tried either of these and been happy? Any other recommendations would be great. Thanks!
  18. yardn_gardn

    Feeding Dual Purpose Breeds for the Freezer

    Now that the hatch and the teenager stage is over, it is time to separate the roosters. Their breeds are New Hampshire Reds, Ameraucana, and Welsummer. While those breeds might not all be considered dual purpose breeds, they are for me. Fortunately only six out of the eighteen ended up being...
  19. L

    Ducklings with shaky legs

    Hi all! I have some runner ducklings that are just over one month old. I’ve been feeding them waterfowl starter sprinkled lightly with old fashioned oats and chick grit. Plus a little lettuce for treats. They always have water. They do not have access to a yard though. About 10 days ago I...
  20. J

    Questions about chickens that eat their own eggs!

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