
  1. sady___

    Not active duckling, type or issue?

    I’m truly stumped. //Backstory This spring we let my broody fawn and white runner sit on a nest, producing two eggs around three days till hatch. The eggs were taken out of the coup and put in an incubator due to their being Drakes, but sadly only one egg ended up hatching, producing a gorgeous...
  2. T

    What do you give your hens for protein?

    One of my hens is beginning to molt, but has also been having her wing feathers plucked out by the bully hen. We are getting a kennel to put the bully in rehab, but in the mean time, what do you feed your girls to boost their protein? We have freeze dried mealworms and black soldier fly...
  3. Manahil Asad

    Feed Brand Switch?

    Hi, I've been using Kalmbach's 20% Flock Feed for my laying silkie hens but wanted to switch onto the Scratch and Peck 18% Layer feed for fermenting so I was wondering, if I should take any precautions and notes when switching the feed? Anybody have any health problems that occurred when...
  4. AmberCamilia

    Too much protein for ducks — effects?

    Hey everyone. I’ve not posted in a long time due to losing my beloved duck, Daisy. I hope everyone is well. I currently have three full grown ducks and nine 2-month-old chickens (8 hens, 1 rooster). I’ve recently added them all together in the same coop, so the feed situation is getting hard to...
  5. katie_94

    What to feed quails of mixed ages, sexes and laying? Tractor Supply ed.

    We have coturnix quails. We'll be introducing the new quails to our outdoor run/coop as soon as they're old enough (right now they're 5 weeks old) and since they'll eventually be sharing the same food with the older quails, I'm wondering what they can ALL eat? The only feed store near me is...
  6. ChickChic00

    Sunflower Seed

    I know that Sunflower seeds have a good amount of protein. Would they have more protein if I soaked and sprouted them? What about if I fermented them? Any help is very much appreciated. Thanks in advance!!
  7. H

    Silkies Not Growing Enough New Feathers?

    Any ideas why my silkies are having trouble growing back their feathers? It's a been a consistent problem for two years of molts now - they will lose the old feathers but not grow enough new ones back and some of the ones they grow back aren't smooth and pretty like they should be. These hens...
  8. TheBirdBabe

    Upping my chicken's protein

    What brand of crumbles can I buy that has a higher protein percentage than the current 16% I'm feeding? I typically feed DuMOR but I'm not seeing anything higher than 16% (currently browsing online). I KNOW I've seen a higher percentage at my local TSC, but I can't remember the brand. What...
  9. A

    Grower feed recommendations for ducklings

    I need some help finding some grower feed (preferably crumbles) for my ducklings that will soon be 3 weeks old. I need some non medicated crumbles that has 15-16% protein and has some niacin(not too much or too little) in it. I’m hoping to get it before next week. I can’t seem to find any on...
  10. J

    Duck Protein

    Hi so I have 2 ducklings, i’ve had them for about a week and they are about 1 1/2 weeks old. Right now I’m feeding them 22% protein starter feed but I know after two weeks they have to have less protein. I have oats and I was wondering how much oats to feed I should add to get it down to 16-17%...
  11. chickenchicklady

    Not laying eggs

    Hello friends. I have a problem. My chickens are not laying eggs. I get about one egg every other day out of 20 hens. I have been giving them oyster shells, grit, protein in the form of meal worms. They have a clean coop, they have clean water, they are getting plenty of nutrients. None of them...
  12. S

    Feeding free rangers - they don't want layer feed...

    Hi, We have 9 mixed laying hens about 10 months old, a surviving guinea hen and one accidental rooster. I want to check to make sure we are feeding and maintaining them appropriately. They seem amazingly healthy and have provided us with between 7-9 eggs a day since the mid-summer, and are...
  13. L

    Hen pulling rooster’s feathers and eating!!!

    Hi all! Background: 3 chickens: one partridge Cochin hen (top of pecking order), a dark Brahma hen (probably bottom of order) and a handicapped dark Brahma rooster. They are going through their first molt (about a year and two months old, southeaster Wisconsin) with the rooster looking the...
  14. Maddog_photog

    9-week Duck feed - too much Protein?

    At the behest of a BYC user, I got Purina Duck pellets. They are 19% crude protein. Is this too much for my 9 week old Pekins? Will they begin to develop Angel Wing, or has that time passed? If it is too much, I can cut it with uncooked oatmeal. I also add an additional 2 TBSP of Brewer’s Yeast...
  15. Maddog_photog

    Mealworm production - egg stage

    Hey y’all! I’ve got a mealworm farm production going. I’ve gotten all my starter mealworms through the worm stage... I have about 4 or 5 pupae and a boat-load of beetles. I just took all the beetles out of one bin and put them into new quarters. I’m leaving the prior old bin and substrate alone...
  16. JukeboxJenny

    I was given the wrong bag of food w/ 20% protein. Will it hurt my chickens?

    I asked for the layer pellets I usually get and they tossed this into my trunk and I didn’t notice until I got home. can I give it to my chickens? They’re about 4-5 months old. Do I need to mix it with anything? On part of the bag is says it’s complete with no need to supplement and on another...
  17. dude with the ducks

    Duckling Grower Feed?

    I was wondering what would happen if I used 22% starter/grower feed for the first 7 weeks with my ducklings? I know your "supposed" to feed 22% for first 2 weeks and then 17% until they start laying. Or what would happen if I used a "layer" crumble that is 17% from weeks 3-first egg? I know that...
  18. M

    20%, 22%, 27% Protien in Chick Starter

    This thread is @aart recommended as the originating thread was deviating. What do you suggest? I have sourced from a retail store a "Poultry and Game Bird Starter" and is labeled at 27%. Is this excessive? What would the effects be if so? It was about $16 for 50 lbs.
  19. Scotty from BI

    I gave my flock too much protein

    I had no idea I was causing damage to my flock by giving them too much protein. Dehydrated grubs, (black soldier fly larve) can be ordered in bulk which I did. I threw out about a cup of bugs to my flock of 10 adult large breed chickens. I figured it's cold and they have been molting so they...
  20. HappyFeetHens

    2 year old hens rarely lay

    I have 4 RIR hens who are all about 2 years old (I also have one leghorn who is about nine months, but she lays consistently). I only get 2 eggs a day (usually) from the RIRs and I’m not sure why. I have tried a few things. I’ve been supplementing with higher protein chick feed, but it hasn’t...
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