
  1. m1chelle1

    Turkey with blackhead, unsure how to proceed...

    Hello all, My 4 month old rescue turkey Jasper (BBB) has blackhead, I believe (yellow stools, lethargic, weak). He was very lethargic yesterday and was in bad shape last night. Was looking so bad I was sure he wouldnt make it. I gave him water with poultry vitamins through a syringe for the...
  2. M

    Sickly turkey

    I have two Black Spanish turkeys, both are almost three months old (give or take a few days), and one of them is behaving very differently than usual. She’s moving slowly, her tail is drooping, her poop is green and white and it’s watery too. She isn’t trying to get away from me when I go to...
  3. T

    Young turkey sick please help!

    We have a young Tom that seems dizzy/unbalanced since yesterday. His tail feathers seem a bit unkept. He has been eating grass seeds in our field and did seem to eat okay this morning. We can’t figure out what could be going on. He is on a property that has ducks, chickens, goats, and pigs. Our...
  4. OrlandoMama

    Smelly Turkey?

    I’m very confused right now. I was loving up on my tom turkey and he smelled pretty bad. Not like poop or anything but a sickly smell. My chickens all smell perfectly fine, it’s just him. He acts normal and isn’t sick or anything but he smells very bad. Is there maybe an illness that I can’t...
  5. ShaliniW1985

    Turkey seizure/stroke??

    Earlier my broadbreasted turkey was facing off with one of my roosters through a fence. She was trilling and puffing up to intimidate him. My rooster then pecked at the fence and out of shock, she was sent backwards and she fell on her back. She started flapping and flailing and kicking. Her...
  6. newturkeymama

    HELP! New turkey mama who is trying to save one egg!

    Hey y’all! So I am totally new to incubating / turkey / anything to do with eggs! I have been doing a ton of research and I am somewhat educated on the basics. So…… here’s the back story. We have a hen that laid eggs, something got her eggs. We took the last 3 and put them in the incubator. We...
  7. Reebz

    ICE-COLD egg thrown out of nest… STILL ALIVE!!!

    Hi guyz! While I don’t really have a question as such, I thought this was such an interesting crazy thing to happen, I might as well document it on here! Sooo my beautiful Turkey girl Irene (rescued from the Xmas dinner trade, lol) recently decided to get it on with my adorable stag Bronson...
  8. T

    Eye Patch for Bird?

    Has anyone ever put any kind of patch over the eye of a bird? I am wondering if I can do this safely. I have a turkey poult with a blind eye and the way she eats is to tilt her head so that the blind eye is actually IN the food. This causes the food to get pushed into her eye and eye socket...
  9. A

    Dying poults

    I recently purchased 6 Bourbon Red turkeys, they all arrived in good condition and alert. A few were a little sleepy but seemed to perk up as they settled into their home. On day 3 of having them (they were 5 days old) I came home and found one dead. I quickly removed it and spent a little...
  10. S

    What is this GROWTH(??) on the turkey's CHEST :(

    This is on behalf of my sister. We are states away so I can't inspect on my own. She just noticed this. I'm not even sure WHAT it could be, it's under the turkey's chest. It seems to have randomly showed up within a couple of days because she hasn't noticed it before. She says it is "fused" to...
  11. S

    Turkey screaming and itching?!

    Hi, I’m new to backyard chickens! my turkey poult (almost 3 weeks old) is the only turkey amongst ducklings and chicks. He was doing fine and was very active and happy until earlier today when he started screaming constantly and running around everywhere only stopping to itch his neck or stab...
  12. yesterDAYNE

    Turkey Poults Sick (Update page 3)

    I have a week old turkey poult who I believe is blocked up. They aren't doing good. They've been crying a lot almost constantly for 2 days. I assumed it was because it was imprinted, and was just crying bc it missed me. I thought something might be wrong but I was afraid if I asked I'd just get...
  13. U

    Baby turkey isnt walking right, twisted leg

    Me and my sister got a turkey a couple weeks ago and yesterday we looked at her and her foot was twisted sideways and she wasnt walking right
  14. oakridgefarm

    Turkey Pheasant Hybrid

    I can find no recent information or research online regarding turkey pheasant hybrids. There are some historical articles, however, nothing seems to indicate the ability as of recent inquiries. Well, here we have a turkey pheasant hybrid incubated from a egg we took from our blue slate hen. We...
  15. A

    baby turkey swollen? prolapsed butt??

    ive brought this up a few hours ago but i have a turkey, shes only a few weeks old i cannot tell if its a prolapse or something else because ive never had a poultry with this problem, we try and clean it as much as we can the first picture is the fromt and the second one is from the side. does...
  16. A

    chickens in the hot weather! help!

    okay so i have 10 chickens(+ one turkey) outside in the coop currently and yesterday it was above 90 degrees, i didnt know what to do for them. they were panting and i was worried so i brought them ice water and later on decided to mist them with cool water because they were still panting! i saw...
  17. W

    Treatment for canker?

    Hello, 3 week old turkey poult has been sick for the past week or so, finally narrowed it down to canker after discovering yellow lesions under his tongue and his swollen chin. He has been living with other turkeys this whole time so we’re going to treat them all. We wanted to go down the copper...
  18. T

    Wasting away - help needed urgently

    I am at a loss...and just don't know what to do now. We have a grown bourbon red hen turkey that has the following symptoms... She was laying eggs until about a week or so ago. I didn't notice any egg binding or prolapse that needed treatment during this time. We first noticed a full crop...
  19. mrsjordan

    Turkey Breed

    My Turkey is a little over a week old now. Can someone help me with what type it is?
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