weak chick

  1. Es_In_Miami

    Hatching at Day 25

    Day 25! 3 eggs started pipping. Two have hatched. One is still trying but has not absorbed its yolk sack. This started with a post about what to do with a delayed hatch. This portion is about the late hatching. Here's the other thread...
  2. W

    Weak baby chick not growing

    Hello everyone . I have an almost 2 week old golden polish chick that is not growing and is very weak. For reference, it is smaller than my week old silkie bantam. All my chicks are on medicated feed. The golden polish has trouble walking, once she falls over she just can’t get back up and will...
  3. J

    How much should I feed weak baby chick

    Hi Everyone, out of my three eggs two hatched, one died by getting stuck in the egg and I had to assist the second one out. It was pretty weak so after 24 hours I have been giving it water from a dropper and some egg mixed with Luke warm water which helped and perked him up. My question is how...
  4. E

    attention seeking or sick? please help

    one of my chicks, a 3 day-ish old silver wyandotte, is acting really weird. She seems really sleepy and doesn't seem to like walking all that much, preferring to sit in one spot. She'll get up and eat or drink from what I can see, though, if in small amounts. But when I get worried and pick her...
  5. H

    Baby chick sitting down a LOT

    Hobbles is now a week and two days. He’s a fair bit behind the other two chicks in size but has definitely plumped up over the last three days since he started walking and accessing food and water independently. Our worry is today we noticed he’s sitting down a lot. Or at least what feels like...
  6. J

    Weak chick

    We hatched 12 chicks. The last one that hatched is up moving around better than the one that hatch approximately 12 hrs before. This chick will walk a few steps then lay down and seems to wobble still. It is at least 24 hours old now (hatched overnight so not sure if the exact time.) It looks...
  7. W

    Four day old chick, belly scab from unabsorbed yolk?

    This poor little one started out weak and we haven't been sure it would make it. We still aren't frankly, the way it's been acting I keep expecting it to be gone when I check in on them all but it's still kicking! It spends most of the time just laying there but it is eating and drinking a...
  8. iamlegion

    My lovely Chantecler gets weaker and weaker, help! 😢

    Hello dear friends, I went away for 4 days and asked my neighbours to come to the chicken coop, open the door each morning and close it in the evening, refill the water. I THINK that they forgot to refill it on the last day, and my chicken crew (16 in total) was very thirsty when I came back...
  9. henroo_101

    Weak baby chick, drinking but not eating?

    I have a (maybe) 3 day old barred rock baby chick that seems to be behind compared to the 8 other chicks. I just got them from Tractor Supply yesterday, and treated her for pasty butt this morning. She’s not running around, and is constantly sleeping. She just kind of stands there and goes...
  10. B

    NEED HELP Baby chick with weak legs, trouble with walking and constantly sleeps

    We have just hatched some baby chicks in an incubator, all of them were fine except one little guy, hes around 4 days old. I noticed he has almost no strengh to walk and constantly sleeps, he drinks and eat just fine, the only time he tries to walk is when going for food, but most of the time he...
  11. thebirdhouse83

    Help! Premature Duckling

    This baby was on day 28 of incubation and had an external pip. Our cat knocked our small incubator off of the counter and broke his shell quite a bit causing him to have some bleeding. I applied a very small amount of styptic powder to stop the bleeding. Then wrapped it in a damp paper towel to...
  12. A

    What is happening to my chicks?

    I recently integrated my chicks with my flock and they have been doing well other than the fact I have some chicks just puffed up standing by themselves. I took them inside and some were fine and were eating and drink full of energy but there were a few who became very weak and plopped over. I...
  13. E

    Silkie chick is gaping and straining neck ?

    I wish I could attach a video- these are the best pics I could take. My little baby silkie seems to be straining. She stretches her neck and opens her beak every 5 seconds. She sits very upright. Her only other brooder mate is another silkie chick that isn’t doing it at all. What could be...
  14. 6

    Weak Chick with Umbilical Cord

    I ordered 7 chicks from Mt. Healthy Hatchery, and they hatched either on 4/2/2022 or early 4/3/2022. They shipped on 4/3/2022, and I just received them today, 4/5/2022. They all are happy and healthy, except the extra chick, that Mt. Heathy included as a 2% margin for any chicks that might...
  15. Button Krista

    Button Quail Chick HELP

    3 days ago I had 2 chicks hatch. One of them was noticeably more unsteady on his legs that the first one. Today I found him laying alone and he couldn't even lift his head (Yesterday he looked stronger but he's smaller than his sibling - and this morning he was okay). I took him out, gave him...
  16. TundraFang

    Chick Couldn't Hatch

    Hi, I have an egg that internally pipped over 48 hours ago. After 24 hours it still hadn't externally pipped so I poked a small hole through the air cell and put it back in the bator. 24 hours later there was no progress and I could no longer hear it peeping. I began chipping away the shell and...
  17. K

    Weak looking 2 day old chick

    I have 9 new baby chicks and there is one little Rhode Island Red that is 2 days old and seems to be struggling but I’m not sure. This is my first time with chicks and this little girl isn’t as active as the others (it’s also a little younger) and like falls asleep standing up. It will be...
  18. A

    Weak Legs on Ayam Cemani

    Hey there! I acquired a few week old Ayam Cemani chick who has very weak legs and he cannot hold himself upright. He can hold himself up with his heel and his wings but he still wobbles over a lot. His toes still work because if I pick him up and put him in my hand you can feel him trying to...
  19. T

    Weak chick/curled toes

    Hey there! I just helped a chick hatch and now they are weak. To kinda start from beginning...2/23 one of my eggs that I put in 2/2 started to pip. It made a hole in the egg and that was it for 24+hrs so I got it out and peeled the shell off, not completely around because I wanted to just help a...
  20. K

    Chick emergency!

    I have a chick that's about 2 days old. She can't stand up and she just face-plants and scoots around. The other chicks were trampling her so we took her inside with a heat lamp. She can walk, but only with assistance. She also won't eat or drink by herself, we put a little bit of yolk or water...
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