1 week old chicks puffing out feathers


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 5, 2014
Southwest Michigan. Zone 5b
I have 15 1 week old chicks. They are acting and functioning in a completely normal way except for the fact that about 10 of them are puffing out their feathers/wings, when they sit and sleep on the roost under the heat lamp. Why? Should I be concerned? The thermometer says 90 degrees. The roost is underneath, might put them a bit closer to the heat lamp. Should I get rid of that roost? They seem to be acting normally otherwise. I use medicated chick feed and vitamins in their water. They have been healthy and active up to this point. Thanks.
well when you say puffing up do you mean kinda expanding and letting all parts of the body extend? yes that is normal chicks and chickens do this to feel warm and to let all parts of the body heat up they are healthy nothing to worry about there. if they are active, eating,playing,drinking, and look good then yes that is just how some of them sleep it feels good to them when the heat is on them just like when you take a blanket out of the dryer. hope this helps!
They may be feeling a bit warm. Chickens normally lift their wings away from the body slightly when they are warm. The roost is a great idea, but could you point the lamp away from the roost, or raise it a bit? They may be sitting closer to the lamp which may be hotter there. Even grown chickens can be scorched by heat lamps when sleeping. We saw several posts last winter of burned head feathers on chickens whose owners put heat lamps in coops for extreme cold.
Thanks for the replies. I meant especially that they are holding out their wings, sort of up and away from their bodies, making them look wider. I raised the lamp and moved the roost over a little bit and also slightly covered part of my brooder box to provide a shaded area, but they all still seem to want to be under the lamp.
then it is what i was saying yes they just feel good under the heat its not that its too hot it is just a good feeling and good idea on the half and half that is what i do too. give them an option. dont worry too much i bet you have healthy chicks they just love heat mine used to do that all the time now they are full grown adults that do that in the sun every now and then
Here are the requested chick pics! It is a bit better today. I still noticed the feather puffing a little bit in the chick in the last picture. They are sure growing out of their homemade brooder quickly. How soon can they move to a coop? Would July, Michigan weather be fine? So far this summer we have had 80 degrees and rainy weather. I was originally thinking to keep them in this bin for 4 weeks, but now I'm not so sure! We have a cat, so we have to keep them enclosed.

I wanted to note that they were spread out in the bin this morning when I took the pics and that I put a small plastic bin cover on about 1/4 of the brooder to provide shade. The chicks just all scattered to one corner when I opened the top. :) They are still a bit chicken! I guess a lot chicken! :)
Coccidiosis usually becomes a worry from 3-20 weeks, and more of a problem when they are on the ground. If your puffy chick seems lethargic and not active(although it may just be sleeping there), I would go ahead today and get some Corid (amprollium) and start it. Coccid doesn't always cause blood in the poop. They are young, but Corid does not hurt them if they don't have it, plus you should treat all chicks if there is cocci. I would go ahead and get them in their coop since your brooder is crowded. Place a heat lamp there for them when they need it, probably more at night. Many raise chicks in Michigan in March in outside coops with heat lamps and they do fine. Here is some info on coccidiosis and Corid, and it comes in liquid and powder: http://www.the-chicken-chick.com/2012/12/coccidiosis-what-backyard-chicken.html
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i hope this give you an idea this is what i did when my girls upgraded from the bin i had them in notice they slept by the heat and puffed up a lil too. hope you enjoy and that this helps
cats are a pest

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