1 week old turkey gasping, and drooling?


In the Brooder
May 16, 2021
My 1 week old turkey chick was living with my other 1 week old baby chicks (I separated them, I'm aware now that they could get sick from chickens with Blackhead/fowl)
They have been gasping, (Not for air) and slobbering. They aren't weak, but when I settle them down, they just open their mouths, and close it. I'm not sure what I can do. These turkey do have all their vaccines, but I don't know what to do for the time being.. Although they are separated, I am very worried since it is my first time having baby turkey.
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The only time I experience poultry gasping and drooling is when they drink too much water all at once. Usually, the "drool" is actually vomit. Have they been drinking irregulraly?
The only time I experience poultry gasping and drooling is when they drink too much water all at once. Usually, the "drool" is actually vomit. Have they been drinking irregulraly?
I believe so? I would assume the temperature in the broader is too hot.. I'm checking temperature regularly now, I was just concerned if maybe they got gape worms/or contracted a disease from living with the chicks for a week.
If you are worried about worms or illnesses try giving them a splash of apple cider vinegar in their water
No, bathing them in it will burn their skin. A splash is like you just put a little in it's an expression for like an estimate of about a tablespoon.

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