3 month old Brahma Rooster cant stand on his feet


In the Brooder
Apr 9, 2024
Hi everyone,

I have a 3 month old Brahma Rooster that we hatched and raised and noticed last month as we came out in the morning to feed the chooks he was sitting but couldn't get up and walk, within the same day he was well again and walked as per normal.

A couple of days ago (almost a month later) he did the same thing, couldn't stand and was like that with no symptoms of sickness, all well, poops are normal like any other chook but just can't stand on his feet. We've been having rain here in Australia for the past week or so, not much sun and it's getting cooler now as we are heading to winter next month. He eats like any other chook and otherwise well, just can't stand or walk around. We moved him to a warmer area on his own away from the others with access to fresh food and water. We made a mix of food with apple cider vinegar, vitamins in his water, vet rx in food, garlic, herbs with his mix.

He's still in the same state now, not sure what else to do other than wait. We feel like this occurred since the cooler weather and the rain and no sun.

Could you please assist us in what else we can do?

Here are some photos of him.

Thank you


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Ok will do. Like all my chooks their daily diet is wheat and layer pellets along with food scraps from the kitchen and free roaming in a large paddock
Could anyone help with my Rooster? Is there anything I can do to assist him in recovering? The sun finally came out this morning and I've got him in the sun and he seems very happy, will be getting more rain this arvo so will move him to a warm dry place again. Please any suggestions will assist, thank you so much

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