5 week old Silver Laced Wyandotte


5 Years
Apr 22, 2014
Arroyo Grande, Ca
I got this chick as a sexed female SLW from mypetchicken. She has a bit more red than I'd be expecting at only 5 weeks old. Are there feather color patterns to hint at male or female? What do you think?




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Mine are 13 weeks old, was told they are all female, but one is definitely colored different than the rest. Was told some are of better quality than others, but the feathering was consistent of females. Thought maybe because of the color difference I had a roo.....but nope. Feathering is best way I can now tell.
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I was going to start a thread but see you have some Silver Laced that are the same age as mine. It's my first time with Wyandotte and not sure what to look for. Some say the comb will develop faster on cockerels. Because they have rosecomb, I wonder if it's like the Easter Eggers where the males will have a bumpy comb (3 rows) and the female a smoother one?
I hope it's ok that I add a couple of photos of mine and keep this thread going?

I have 6 and only 1 has a comb that is starting to turn red, so I've got my eye on that one:

Some of the other ones:

Then this one has lots of white...does lots of white mean roo coloring? Is that a stupid question? Hehe.

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